Coffee Quotes

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee and just as hard to sleep after.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
It seems to me that trying to live without friends is like milking a bear to get cream for your morning coffee. It is a whole lot of trouble, and then not worth much after you get it.
Zora Neale Hurston
There are three intolerable things in life - Cold coffee, lukewarm champagne, and overexcited women.
Orson Welles
Anne spencer morrow lindbergh - good communication is as stimulating as black...
Honore de balzac - this coffee plunges into the stomach... the mind...
If this is coffee, please bring me some tea but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.
Abraham Lincoln
The superiority of chocolate hot chocolate, both for health and nourishment, will soon give it the same preference over tea and coffee in America which it has in Spain...
Thomas Jefferson
The best coffee in Europe is Vienna coffee, compared to which all other coffee is fluid poverty.
Mark Twain, Greatly Exaggerated
Tobacco, coffee, alcohol, hashish, prussic acid, strychnine, are weak dilutions the surest poison is time.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
COFFEE. EXE missing. Insert cup and press any key.
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.
George Eliot
If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.
Abraham Lincoln
After a heated argument on some trivial matter Nancy Astor. shouted, If I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee Whereupon Winston Churchill answered, And if I were your husband I would drink it.
John Fellows Akers