Family Quotes

Pope john paul ii - the great danger for family life, in the midst of...
Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm.
Pamela Ribon, Why Girls Are Weird, 2003
Carl t. rowan, jr. - let... others call me a hypocrite because i fired...
Some things you do because you want to. Some things you do because of the needs of others in your family.
Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 10 - 06 - 05
Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.
Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
It is commonly observed that a sudden wealth, like a prize drawn in a lottery or a large bequest to a poor family, does not permanently enrich. They have served no apprenticeship to wealth, and with the rapid wealth come rapid claims which they do not know how to deny, and the treasure is quickly dissipated.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The bonds that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
Richard Bach
It is not possible for one to teach others who cannot teach his own family.
Mother teresa, in her nobel lecture - let us make one point, that we meet each other...
A healthy family is sacred territory.
Having a place to go - Is a home. Having someone to love - Is a family. Having both - Is a blessing.
Donna Hedges
Good government generally begins in the family, and if the moral character of a people once degenerate, their political character must soon follow.
Elias Boudinot
Europe is spreading its wings. In freedom. In prosperity. And in peace. It is a truly proud moment for the European Union. It is a triumph for liberty and democracy. To our new members I say: ? Warmly welcome to our family?. Our new Europe is born.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, (Prime Minister of Denmark) Family photo after the European Council meeting in Copenhagen, 13 December 20
If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.
George Bernard Shaw
The troublesome ones in a family are usually either the wits or the idiots.
George Eliot, Middlemarch
Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the state forever separate.
Ulysses S. Grant
Any woman who has a career and a family automatically develops something in the way of two personalities, like two sides of a dollar bill, each different in design. ... Her problem is to keep one from draining the life from the other.
Ivy Baker Priest
I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
Elizabeth II
It is about a socialist, anti - Family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
Pat Robertson, The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1993
That family glaze of common references, jokes, events, calamities - That sense of a family being like a kitchen midden layer upon layer of the things daily life is made of. The edifice that lovers build is by comparison delicate and one - Dimensional.
Laurie E. Colwin
The family is a court of justice which never shuts down for night or day.
Malcolm De Chazal
There is nothing like a coup de foudre and absorption in family responsibility for maturing the male and pulling his scattered wits together.
Sir V Pritchett
Happy the man who, like Ulysses, has made a fine voyage, or has won the Golden Fleece, and then returns, experienced and knowledgeable, to spend the rest of his life among his family.
Joachim du Bellay
Woman is the salvation or the destruction of the family. She carries its destiny in the folds of her mantle.
Henri - Frederic Amiel
A married man with a family will do anything for money.
Charles De Talleyrand
To each other, we were as normal and nice as the smell of bread. We were just a family. In a family even exaggerations make perfect sense.
John Irving
A family is but too often a commonwealth of malignants.
Alexander Pope
The car trip can draw the family together, as it was in the days before television when parents and children actually talked to each other.
Andrew H. Malcolm
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.
Jane Howard, "Families".
Happy families are all alike every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.
Douglas Noel Adams
In every dispute between parent and child, both cannot be right, but they may be, and usually are, both wrong. It is this situation which gives family life its peculiar hysterical charm.
Isaac Rosenfeld
To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.
Pope John Paul II
I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.
Erma Bombeck
Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a family.
J. S. Bryan
The family is the country of the heart.
Giuseppe Mazzini
Nothing counts so much as family, the rest are just strangers. as Nicholas Earpp in Wyatt Earp, 1994.
Gene Hackman
The story of my boyhood and that of my brothers is important only because it could happen in any American family. It did, and will again.
Earl Eisenhowe
Even as the cell is the unit of the organic body, so the family is the unit of society.
Ruth Nanda Anshen
Family dinners are more often than not an ordeal of nervous indigestion, preceded by hidden resentment and ennui and accompanied by psychosomatic jitters.
M. F. K. Fishe