Famous Quotes
Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.George Bernard Shaw
Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly.Simeon Strunsky, No Mean City (1944)
Aristotle was famous for knowing everything. He taught that the brain exists merely to cool the blood and is not involved in the process of thinking. This is true only of certain persons.Will Cuppy
Is demum miser est, cuius nobilitas miserias nobilitat. Indeed, wretched the man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous.Lucius Accius, Telephus
Martyrdom... is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.George Bernard Shaw
No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather.Michael Pritchard
In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.Andy Warhol
In the future everyone will be world - Famous for fifteen minutes.Andy Warhol
In its famous paradox, the equation of money and excrement, psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known - - That the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness.Norman O. Brown
Before a man can wake up and find himself famous he has to wake up and find himself.Author Unknown
Martyrdom is the only way a person can become famous without ability.George Bernard Shaw
Not many people know this... but I happen to be famous.Sam Malone, Cheers
All is ephemeral - - Fame and the famous as well.Marcus Aurelius
I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm.Henry Truman
SURE - FIRE SINGLES AD: Famous Writer needs woman to organize his life and spend his money. Loves to turn off Sunday football and go to the Botanical Gardens with that special someone. Will obtain plastic surgery if necessary.Joe Bob Briggs
The Scripture vouches Solomon for the wisest of men; and his proverbs prove him so, The seven wise men of Greece, so famous for their wisdom all the world over, acquired all that fame each of them by a single sentence, consisting of two or three words.South
All is ephemeral, - - Fame and the famous as well.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - A place where history comes to life.Norman Cousins