Humor Quotes

For health and the constant enjoyment of life, give me a keen and ever - Present sense of humor it is the next best thing to an abiding faith in providence.
George Barrell Cheeve
Clifton paul fadiman - a sense of humor is the ability to understand a...
A well - Developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.
William Arthur Ward
James thurbe - the wit makes fun of other persons the satirist...
Good humor is a paradox. The unexpected juxtaposition of the reasonable next to the unreasonable.
Nothing makes your sense of humor disappear faster than having somebody ask you where it is.
Ivern Ball
I have never examined the subject of humor until now. I am surprised to find how much ground it covers. I have got its divisions and frontiers down on a piece of paper. I find it defined as a production of the brain, as the power of the brain to produce something humorous, and the capacity of percieving humor.
Mark Twain
Silence will not betray your thoughts but the expression on your face will. Humor has a hundred faces tragedy only a few.
H. G. Mendelson
The love of truth lies at the root of much humor.
Robertson Davies
The wit makes fun of other persons the satirist makes fun of the world the humorist makes fun of himself.
James Thurbe
The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself.
James Thurber, in Edward R. Murrow television interview
Mignon mclaughlin - a sense of humor is a major defense against minor...
WARNING Humor may be hazardous to your illness.
Ellie Katz
Righteous people have no sense of humor.
Bertolt Brecht
Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society.
William Makepeace Thackery
Anyone without a sense of humor is at the mercy of everyone else.
William Rotsle
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.
James Thurbe
People are far more sincere and good - Humored at speeding their parting guests than on meeting them.
Anton Chekhov
Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their pedestals.
Agnes Repplie
That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you.
A. Whitney Brown
A humorist is a fellow who realizes, first, that he is no better than anybody else, and, second, that nobody else is either.
Homer McLin
We take the shortest route to the puck and arrive in ill humor.
Bobby Clarke
It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor.
Max Eastman
A great step toward independence is a good humored stomach.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I have a fine sense of the ridiculous, but no sense of humor.
Edward Albee
It is the saying of an ancient sage that humor was the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor.
The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people - - That is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature.
James Thurbe
Imagination was given man to compensate for what he is not, and a sense of humor to console him for what he is.
Author Unknown
When humor goes, there goes civilization.
Erma Bombeck
I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it.
Frank A. Clark
Humor brings insight and tolerance. Irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding.
Agnes Repplie
Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.
A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs - - Jolted by every pebble in the road.
Henry Ward Beeche
Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness.
Joseph Addison, The Spectator, July 12, 1711
The pug is living proof that God has a sense of humor.
Margo Kaufman
A sense of humor is just common sense dancing.
Clive James
Humor is, I think, the subtlest and chanciest of literary forms. It is surely not accidental that there are a thousand novelists, essayists, poets or journalists for each humorist. It is a long, long time between James Thurbers.
Leo C. Rosten
Humor is also a way of saying something serious.
T. S. Eliot
Humor is the affectionate communication of insight.
Leo C. Rosten
You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything - - Even poverty - - You can survive it.
Bill Cosby