Peace Quotes

We need peacemakers, not peacekeepers.
Paul Liu
Mother theresa - the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion...
Mikhail sergeyevich gorbachev - what we need is star peace and not star wars....
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein
Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having any opinions at all.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
Victor Hugo
For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe.
Larry Eisenberg
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Melody Beattie
We Americans want peace, and it is now evident that we must be prepared to demand it. For other peoples have wanted peace, and the peace they received was the peace of death.
Rev. Francis J. Spellman, Archbishop of New York. 22 September, 1940
In times of tumult and discord bad men have the most power mental and moral excellence require peace and quiteness.
Publius Cornelius Tacitus
This is the true nature of home - - It is the place of Peace; the shelter, not only from injury, but from all terror, doubt and division.
John Ruskin
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace Where there is hatred let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hope Where there is darkness, light Where there is sadness, joy.
Saint Francis of Assisi
We shall find peace. We shall hear angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Please choose the way of peace. ... In the short term there may be winners and losers in this war that we all dread. But that never can, nor never will justify the suffering, pain and loss of life your weapons will cause.
Mother Teresa, - - Letter to U. S. President George Bush and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, January 1991.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix
Love as Thought is Truth. Love as Action is Right Conduct. Love as Understanding is Peace. Love as Feeling is Non - Violence.
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Peace visits not the guilty mind.
Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that right thoughts and right efforts inevitably bring about right results.
James Allen
On that day let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that all their efforts shall not have been in vain.
Dwight D. Eisenhowe
C. s. lewis - god cannot give us a happiness and peace apart...
We do not deny the possibility of peaceful political transition, but we are still awaiting the first case.
Fidel Castro, Speech given in January 1963, calling for communist revolution in Latin America
We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion and mistrust or with fear. We can gain it only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from conviction.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fourth Inaugural Address, Jan. 20, 1945
Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace.
Albert Schweitze
Each religion, by the help of more or less myth which it takes more or less seriously, proposes some method of fortifying the human soul and enabling it to make its peace with its destiny.
George Santayana
The mission before us as ambassadors is to assure peace among, as it were, the diplomatic corps of fellow ambassadors. Thus we are to walk in lowliness humility and meekness, which foster longsuffering and enable us to forbear one another in love.
Stephen Shobe
All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field.
Albert Einstein
Genius is entitled to respect only when it promotes the peace and improves the happiness of mankind.
Lord Essex
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer, "Calculating God", 2000
Imagine there? s no countries, it isn? t hard to do; nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace.
John Lennon, Imagine
To secure peace is to prepare for war.
Carl von Clausewitz
To be at peace with ourselves we need to know ourselves.
Caitlin Matthews
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
George Orwell, (attributed)
Do not judge men by mere appearances; for the light laughter that bubbles on the lip often mantles over the depths of sadness, and the serious look may be the sober veil that covers a divine peace and joy.
E. H. Chapin
There are two ways of resisting war: the legal way and the revolutionary way. The legal way involves the offer of alternatinve service not as a privilege for a few but as a right for all. The revolutionary view involves an uncompromising resistance, with a view to breaking the power of militarism in time of peace or the resources of the state in time of war.
Albert Einstein
Rest in peace. The mistake shall not be repeated.
Cenotaph in Hiroshima
I call upon the scientific community in our country, those who gave us nuclear weapons, to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete.
Ronald Reagan
If we want a free and peaceful world, if we want to make the deserts bloom and man grow to greater dignity as a human being - - we can do it.
Roosevelt, Eleano
Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.
Amelia Earhart, Courage, 1927
A peace that comes from fear and not from the heart is the opposite of peace.
Modern war has decimated many a country; but it has always spawned millions of bureaucrats. They fatten on shortages and thrive on trouble. Peace can never offer such opportunities for exercising petty tyrannies, using red tape to regiment the individual and making life generally unpleasant.
Paul Tabori, _The Natural Science of Stupidity_. (New York: ChiltonCompany, 1960), p. 104.