Peace Quotes
Let him who desires peace prepare for war.Flavius Vegetius Renatus
If peace is equated simply with the absence of war, it can become abject pacifism that turns the world over to the most ruthless.Henry Kissinge
To insist on strength... is not war - Mongering. It is peace - Mongering.Barry Goldwate
Five enemies of peace inhabit with us - - Avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace.Francesco Petrarch
Why cross an ocean when you can cross a river Why should we sail to Washington when we can meet right away 10 miles from here On Middle East peace initiative.Shimon Peres
An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.T. S. Eliot, Quoted in the May, 24 edition of "The Montreal Gazette".
It is essential to know that to be a happy person, a happy family, a happy society, it is very crucial to have a good heart, that is very crucial. World peach must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just the absence of violence but the manifestation of human compassion.Dalai Lama, (in exile) Associated Press, 5/14/01
The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war.Desiderius Erasmus
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self - Satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.John Wooden
What a beautiful fix we are in now; peace has been declared.Napoleon Bonaparte, 1802
To be feared is to fear no one has been able to strike terror into others and at the same time enjoy peace of mind.Seneca
Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none.Thomas Jefferson
We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence.Joseph Roux
I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violen trevolution inevitable.John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing - Peace is the measure.George Melton
Peace has to be created, in order to be maintained. It is the product of Faith, Strength, Energy, Will, Sympathy, Justice, Imagination, and the triumph of principle. It will never be achieved by passivity and quietism.Dorothy Thompson
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.Jimi Hendrix
If I must choose between righteousness and peace, I choose righteousness.Theodore Roosevelt
We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.Anton Chekhov, 1897
Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.Baruch Spinoza
Peace if possible, truth at all costs.Martin Luthe
War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength.George Orwell, Book "1984".
He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees.Benjamin Franklin
Genius is entitled to respect only when it promotes the peace and improves the happiness of mankind.Lord Essex
Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wars begin in the minds of man, and in those minds, love and compassion would have built the defenses of peace.U Thant
The fidelity of the United States to security treaties is not just an empty matter. It is a pillar of peace in the world.David Dean Rusk
To be feared is to fear: no one has been able to strike terror into others and at the same time enjoy peace of mind.Seneca
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace.John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things Knows not the livid loneliness of fear.Amelia Earhart
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.Victor Hugo
There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.Mahatma Gandhi, "Non - Violence in Peace and War".
To secure peace is to prepare for war.Carl von Clausewitz
Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.Buddha
A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be.Abraham Maslow
On that day let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that all their efforts shall not have been in vain.Dwight D. Eisenhowe