Hypocrisy Quotes

Courage and modesty are the most unequivocal of virtues, for they are of a kind that hypocrisy cannot imitate they too have this quality in common, that they are expressed by the same color.
Johann von Goethe
Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises; for never intending to go beyond promises; it costs nothing.
Edmund Burke
An ounce of hypocrisy is worth a pound of ambition.
Michael Korda
Benjamin disraeli, speech in the house of commons, mar. 3, 1845 - a conservative government is an organized...
When we abolish the slavery of half of humanity, together with the whole system of hypocrisy it implies, then the division of humanity will reveal its genuine significance and the human couple will find its true form.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1950)
Ambrose bierce - politeness, n. the most acceptable hypocrisy....
Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Hypocrisy, the lie, is the true sister of evil, intolerance, and cruelty.
Raisa M. Gorbachev