Age Quotes
The pride of youth is in strength and beauty, the pride of old age is in discretion.Democritus
The English language has a deceptive air of simplicity so have some little frocks but they are both not the kind of thing you can run up in half an hour with a machine.Dorothy L. Sayers
Music is the soul of language.Max Heindel
Courageous risks are life - Giving, they help you grow, make you brave, and better than you think you are.Joan L. Curcio
Friendship is the marriage of the soul, and this marriage is liable to divorce.Mark Twain
The average man, who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which will last forever.Anatole France
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.Andrew A. Rooney
Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to the end, requires some of the same courage which a soldier needs.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Solon used to say that speech was the image of actions... that laws were like cobwebs, - - For that if any trifling or powerless thing fell into them, they held it fast while if it were something weightier, it broke through them and was off.Laertius Diogenes
Language is a living, kicking, growing, flitting, evolving reality, and the teacher should spontaneously reflect its vibrant and protean qualities.John A. Rassias
Writing is a solitary occupation. Family, friends, and society are the natural enemies of the writer. He must be alone, uninterrupted, and slightly savage if he is to sustain and complete an undertaking.Jessamyn West
All for ourselves and nothing for other people seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776
With enough courage, you can do without a reputation.Clark Gable, Gone With the Wind
Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images.Jean Cocteau
Most people go on living their everyday life half frightened, half indifferent, they behold the ghostly tragi - Comedy that is being performed on the international stage before the eyes and ears of the world.Albert Einstein
There is plenty of courage among us for the abstract, but not for the concrete.Hellen Kelle
The worst tragedy for a poet is to be admired through being misunderstood.Jean Cocteau
I think luck is the sense to recognize an opportunity and the ability to take advantage of it... The man who can smile at his breaks and grab his chances gets on.Samuel Goldwyn
Without glasnost there is not, and there cannot be, democratism, the political creativity of the masses and their participation in management.Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
Every man has inside himself a parasitic being who is acting not at all to his advantage.William S. Burroughs
I am sure of this, that by going much alone a man will get more of a noble courage in thought and word than from all the wisdom that is in books.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.Brendan Francis Behan
The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.Steven Weinberg
Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solved each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They kept going regardless of the obstacles they met.Clement Stone
The days just prior to marriage are like a snappy introduction to a tedious book.Wilson Mizne
More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.Doug Larson
The average, healthy, well - Adjusted adult gets up at seven - Thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible.Jean Ke
You manage things you lead people.Grace Murray Hoppe
Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.Billy Graham
The last thing a woman will consent to discover in a man whom she loves, or on whom she simply depends, is want of courage.Joseph Conrad
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
People fo privilage will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.John Kenneth Galbraith
All the taxes paid over a lifetime by the average American are spent by the government in less than a second.Jim Fiebig
He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent - Infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination - - And taxes.H. E. Martz
When men are brought face to face with their opponents, forced to listen and learn and mend their ideas, they cease to be children and savages and begin to live like civilized men. Then only is freedom a reality, when men may voice their opinions because they must examine their opinions.Walter Lippmann
The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.Paul Tillich
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self - Evident.Arthur Schopenhaue