Age Quotes
The test of an author is not to be found merely in the number of his phrases that pass current in the corner of newspapers... but in the number of passages that have really taken root in younger minds.Thomas Higginson
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The great advantage of being in a rut is that when one is in a rut, one knows exactly where one is.Arnold Bennett
Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.La Bruyere
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.Eleanor Roosevelt, My Day
I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages henceTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I - - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.Robert Frost
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - - And a lot of courage - - To move in the opposite direction.E. F. Schumache
There is one universal gesture that has one universal message - - A smile.Valerie Sokolosky
Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so jointed that they cannot be separated often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.Logan Pearsall Smith
A good novel is an indivisible sum; every scene, sequence and passage of a good novel has to involve, contribute to and advance all three of its major attributes: theme, plot, characterization.Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto p. 74 (pb 93)
One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.Walter Scott
When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age.Victor Hugo
I want to grow old without facelifts. I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made.Marilyn Monroe
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.Socrates, In "Apology, " sct. 21, by Plato.
Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more. You should never wish to do less.Robert E. Lee
Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world - The image of a working and an intellectual people, of a people that can fight with heroism.Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe
I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity.Tom Stoppard
If every age has its own characteristic doctrine, there are a thousand signs which point to Fascism as the characteristic doctrine of our time.Benito Mussolini, The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism, 1935
Accident counts for much in companionship, as in marriage.Henry Adams
A program is a spell cast over a computer, turning input into error messages.Anon.
Meetings are an addictive, highly self - Indulgent activity that corporations and other organizations habitually engage in only because they cannot actually masturbate.Alain van der Heide
Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track of are our failures, discouragements and doubts. We tend to forget the past difficulties, the many false starts, and the painful groping. We see our past achievements as the end results of a clean forward thrust, and our present difficulties as signs of decline and decay.Eric Hoffe
The sort of liveliness which increases with age is not far distant from madness.Francois de La Rochefoucauld, Reflexions ou Sentences et Maximes Morales
Tolerance is the eager and glad acceptance of the way along which others seek the truth.Sir Walter Besant
The average, healthy, well - Adjusted adult gets up at seven - Thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible.Jean Ke
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.Ambrose Redmoon
We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally.Nguyen Co Thatch, Vietnamese foreign ministe
The Net interprets censorship as damage... and routes around it.John Gilmore
Let the fear of danger be a spur to prevent it; he that fears not, gives advantage to the danger.Francis Quarles
What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.Sigmund Freud
It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.Henry Ford
Courage is not afraid to weep, and she is not afraid to pray, even when she is not sure who she is praying to.Black Hawk
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.Clive Staples Lewis
What a curious phenomenon it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage.Bruce Barton
You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea.Author Unknown
I have always felt that a woman has the right to treat the subject of her age with ambiguity until, perhaps, she passes into the realm of over ninety. Then it is better she be candid with herself and with the world.Helena Rubinstein
Courage is sometimes frail as hope is frail a fragile shoot between two stones that grows brave toward the sun though warmth and brightness fail, striving and faith the only strength it knows.Frances Rodman