Animals Quotes

The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animals.
H. L. Mencken
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.
Igor stravinsky, in observer 8 oct. 1961 - my music is best understood by children and...
Michael sherme - it is sad that while science moves ahead in...
Man... is a tame or civilized animal never the less, he requires proper instruction and a fortunate nature, and then of all animals he becomes the most divine and most civilized but if he be insufficiently or ill - Educated he is the most savage of earthly creatures.
All animals except man know that the ultimate of life is to enjoy it.
Samuel Butle
The meekest of animals will fight bravely when it is backed against a wall, for it has nothing left to lose. A poor man is more deadly than a rich man because he puts less value on his own life.
R. A. Salvatore, The Crystal Shard
Plato - of all the animals, the boy is the most...
Fainthearted animals move about in herds. The lion walks alone in the desert. Let the poet always walk thus.
Alfred Victor Vigny
Like the herd animals we are, we sniff warily at the strange one among us.
Animals have these advantages over man: they never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.
Chief Seattle
We have been God - Like in our planned breeding of our domesticated plants and animals, but we have been rabbit - Like in our unplanned breeding of ourselves.
Arnold Toynbee
Men feel that cruelty to the poor is a kind of cruelty to animals. They never feel that it is an injustice to equals nay it is treachery to comrades.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Books have the same enemies as people: fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content.
Paul Valery
Humankind differs from the animals only by a little, and most people throw that away.
Confucius, Roots of Wisdom 4th edition
The goal of revival is conformity to the image of Christ, not imitation of animals.
Richard F. Lovelace
People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.
Isaac Bashevis Singe
Man, unlike the animals, has never learned that the sole purpose of life is to enjoy it.
Samuel Butle
The animals of the planet are in desperate peril... Without free animal life I believe we will lose the spiritual equivalent of oxygen.
Alice Walker, Living by the Word, 1988
You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but now, as yet, intelligent enough.
Aldous Huxley
Man is not like other animals in the ways that are really significant: Animals have instincts, we have taxes.
Erving Goffman
Man perfected by society is the best of all animals he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice.
Men as well as animals do whatever makes them happy, differences lie in what makes them happy.
B. J. Gupta
All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing.
Maurice Masterlinck
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imaginations, we learned to talk.
Stephen Hawking
We know what the animals do, what are the needs of the beaver, the bear, the salmon, and other creatures, because long ago men married them and acquired this knowledge from their animal wives. Today the priests say we lie, but we know better.
Native American
Drinking without being thirsty and making love at any time, Madame, are the only things that distinguish us from other animals.
Man... is a tame or civilized animal; never the less, he requires proper instruction and a fortunate nature, and then of all animals he becomes the most divine and most civilized; but if he be insufficiently or ill - Educated he is the most savage of earthly creatures.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mahatma Gandhi, 1869 - 1948
Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.
Alfred A. Montapert
Books have the same enemies as people fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content.
Paul Valery
Men are the only animals that devote themselves, day in and day out, to making one another unhappy. It is an art like any other. Its virtuosi are called altruists.
H. L. Mencken
Animals, in their generation, are wiser than the sons of men but their wisdom is confined to a few particulars, and lies in a very narrow compass.
Joseph Addison
Noah must have taken into the Ark two taxes, one male and one female. And did they multiply bountifully! Next to guinea pigs, taxes must have been the most prolific animals.
Will Rogers
The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.
Sir William Osler, In H. Cushing, Life of Sir William Osler (1925)
Man can acquire accomplishments or he can become an animal, whichever he wants. God makes the animals, man makes himself.
G. C. Lichtenberg
The countenances of children, like those of animals, are masks, not faces, for they have not yet developed a significant profile of their own.
Wystan Hugh Auden
Every women needs at least 4 animals. A mink in her closet, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass that pays for everything.
Paris Hilton
We lavish on animals the love we are afraid to show to people. They might not return it or worse, they might.
Mignon McLaughlin