Art Quotes

Lilly tomlin, as ernestine the operato - the phone company handles 84 billion calls a year...
The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime.
Mignon McLaughlin
You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln
Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular decade. It is a perpetual process embedded in the human spirit.
Abbie Hoffman
Bertrand russell, the philosophy of logical atomism - the point of philosophy is to start with...
Felix g. rohatyn - what is desperately needed... is the skepticism...
Illusions are art, for the feeling person, and it is by art that you live, if you do.
Elizabeth Bowen
I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly combat.
How can one conceive of a one party system in a country that has over 200 varieties of cheese.
Charles de Gaulle
I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.
Martha Washington
No good poem, however confessional is may be, is just a self - Expression. Who on earth would claim that the pearl expresses the oyster?
Robert Cecil Day Lewis
There are plenty of good five - Cent cigars in the country. The trouble is they cost a quarter. What this country needs is a good five - Cent nickel.
Franklin P. Adams
The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be, and that the most difficult part of an endeavor is taking the first step, making the first decision.
Robyn Davidson
Every burned book or house enlightens the world every suppressed or expunged word reverberates through the earth from side to side.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth?
George Bernard Shaw
There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson
Art is a deliberate recreation of a new and special reality that grows from your response to life. It cannot be copied; it must be created.
This is the art of courage to see things as they are and still believe that the victory lies not with those who avoid the bad, but those who taste, in living awareness, every drop of the good.
Victoria Lincoln
Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes and I am left the same. The more things change the more I am the same. I am what I started with, and when it is all over I will be all that is left of me.
Hugh Prathe
Teaching is an instinctual art, mindful of potential, craving of realizations, a pausing, seamless process.
A Bartlett Giamatti
The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how heartless and greedy they were.
Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions
Honor and shame from no condition rise. Act well your part: there all the honor lies.
Alexander Pope
Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you have got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known.
Garrison Keillo
Some say it will bring war to the heavens, but its purpose is to deter war, in the heavens and on earth.
Ronald Reagan
No Voice; but oh! the silence sank like music on my heart.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a high, simple and useful life.
Booker T. Washington
The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top.
Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.
Mark Twain
Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.
Jean Cocteau
What has not been examined impartially has not been well examined. Skepticism is therefore the first step toward truth.
Denis Diderot
But I am sure that I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round... as a good time a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut - Up hearts freely.
Charles Dickens
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
Mother Theresa
Start slow and taper off.
Walt Stack
We had parties that Nero would have been ashamed to attend.
Ronnie Hawkins
I am old enough to know that victory is often a thing deferred, and rarely at the summit of courage... What is at the summit of courage, I think, is freedom. The freedom that comes with the knowledge that no earthly think can break you.
Paula Giddings
Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart for God now accepteth thy works. N. B. Eat, Drink and be merry. See also Luke 1219
Ecclesiastes 97
While you are away, movie stars are taking your women. Robert Redford is dating your girlfriend, Tom Selleck is kissing your lady, Bart Simpson is making love to your wife.
Baghdad Betty, Iraqi radio announcer, to gulf war troops
Grown men can learn from very little children for the hearts of little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss.
Black Elk
Rest assured that there is nothing which wounds the heart of a noble man more deeply than the thought his honour is assailed.
Stimulate the heart to love, and all other virtues will rise of their own accord.
W. T. Ussery