Art Quotes

Ashley montagu - because women live creatively, they rarely...
The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the teacher, America entrusts her most precious resource, her children and asks that they be prepared... to face the rigors of individual participation in a democratic society.
Shirley Mount Hufstedle
My heart is pure as the driven slush.
Tallulah Bankhead
All really great lovers are articulate, and verbal seduction is the surest road to actual seduction.
Marya Mannes
Jack handey deep thoughts - if i ever do a book on the amazon, i hope i am...
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest.
Isaac Asimov
Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet", Act 2 scene 2
The art of drawing conclusions from experiments and observations consists in evaluating probabilities and in estimating whether they are sufficiently great or numerous enough to constitute proofs. This kind of calculation is more complicated and more difficult than it is commonly thought to be...
Antoine Laurent Lavoisie
Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.
Martin Luthe
In human life, art may arise from almost any activity, and once it does so, it is launched on a long road of exploration, invention, freedom to the limits of extravagance, interference to the point of frustration, finally discipline, controlling constant change and growth.
Susanne Lange
Life imitates art more than art imitates life.
Oscar Wilde
It is a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as one part of your life starts looking up, another falls to pieces.
Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones Diary
I have come to value liberated minds as the supreme good of life on earth.
J. Frank Dobie, His tombstone in the Texas State Cemetery
Modesty is a shining light it prepares the mind to receive knowledge, and the heart for truth.
Madam Guizot
Well, the telling of jokes is an art of its own, and it always rises from some emotional threat. The best jokes are dangerous, and dangerous because they are in some way truthful.
Kurt Vonnegut, Interview, Mcsweeneys. net
Religion is not what you will get after reading all the scriptures of the world. It is not really what is grasped by the grain. It is a heart grasp.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
I was resolved to sustain and preserve in my college the bite of the mind, the chance to stand face to face with truth, the good life lived in a small, various, highly articulate and democratic society.
Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve
When one buys some of my artwork I hope it is because they will wish to learn from it and not because they think it will match their drapes.
Christian Cardell Corbet
To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by writing his name on the wings of a dragon.
Chinese Prove
I have one great fear in my heart, that one day when they the whites of South Africa have turned to loving, they will find we the blacks are turned to hating.
Alan Stewart Paton
When the highest type of men hear Tao, They diligently practice it. When the average type of men hear Tao, They half believe in it. When the lowest type of men hear Tao, They laugh heartily at it. Without the laugh, there is no Tao.
Lao - Tzu, The Way of Lao - Tzu
Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one.
Fredrich Halm
And now the sequence of events in no particular order.
Dan Rathe
The peril of every fine faculty is the delight of playing with it for pride. Talent is commonly developed at the expense of character, and the greater it grows, the more is the mischief. Talent is mistaken for genius, a dogma or system for truth, ambition for greatest, ingenuity for poetry, sensuality for art.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart.
H. W. Dodds
You can make those promises with just as much passion the second time around. Such is the regenerative power of the human heart.
Marion Wink, O Magazine, 2003
The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand.
Robert Valett
To manage a system effectively, you might focus on the interactions of the parts rather than their behavior taken separately.
Russell L. Ackoff
All grand thoughts come from the heart.
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men - That is genius.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
But, for my own part, it was Greek to me.
William Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar", Act 1 scene 2
If I can stop one Heart from breaking I shall not live in vain If I can ease one Life the Aching, or cool one Pain, Or help one fainting Robin into his Nest again, I shall not live in Vain.
Emily Dickinson
The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows, We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.
Agnes de Mille
Good night, good night parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.
William Shakespeare
If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time, he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.
Henry David Thoreau
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.
Groucho Marx
All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art is our life.
M. C. Richards
Discretion is not the better part of biography.
Lytton Strachey, in Michael Holroyd Lytton, Strachey vol. 1 (1967)
Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.
Marcus Aelius Aurelius