Art Quotes

Ernest dimnet - touch the earth, love the earth, honour the...
I have supported my deviations with reasons I did not stop at mere doubt I have vanquished, I have uprooted, I have destroyed everything in my heart that might have interfered with my pleasure.
Marquis de Sade
Our deeds are like children that are born to us; they live and act apart from our own will.
George Eliot, Romola
The human heart, at whatever age, opens only to the heart that opens in return.
Maria Edgeworth
Jonathan swift - faith he must make his stories shorter or change...
All who think cannot but see there is a sanction like that of religion which binds us in partnership in the serious work of the world.
John Hay
God is really only another artist, he made the elephat, giraffe and cat. He has no real style but keeps trying new ideas.
Pablo Picasso
There is no explanation for evil. It must be looked upon as a necessary part of the order of the universe. To ignore it is childish to bewail it senseless.
W. Somerset Maugham
Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious database outweighs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This database is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of you is much smarter than you are. The wise people regularly consult that smarter part.
Michael J. Gel
Now I understand why Henry VIII started his own church.
John F. Kennedy, Comment after the Vatican scolded him for supporting separation between church and state during his campaign, 1
We know next to nothing about virtually everything. It is not necessary to know the origin of the universe; it is necessary to want to know. Civilization depends not on any particular knowledge, but on the disposition to crave knowledge.
George F. Will
A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.
Washington Irving
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.
Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - - But so does a hard - Boiled egg.
If any of us had a child that we thought was as bad as we know we are, we would have cause to start to worry.
Will Rogers
Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball.
Jacques Martin Barzun
Looking at the proliferation of personal web pages on the net, it looks like very soon everyone on earth will have 15 Megabytes of fame.
MG Siriam
It is a great thing to start life with a small number of really good books which are your very own.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
When you give up drinking, you have to deal with that wonderful personality that started you drinking in the first place.
Oscar Levant
I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art.
Kahlil Gibran
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein
Give not over thy soul to sorrow and afflict not thyself in thy own counsel. Gladness of heart is the life of man and the joyfulness of man is length of days.
The true, prescriptive artist strives after artistic truth; the lawless artist, following blind instinct, after an appearance of naturalness. The one leads to the highest peaks of art, the other to its lowest depths.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So many Gods, so many creeds So many ways that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind is all this sad world needs.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Old postcard
Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.
Alfred North Whitehead, Dialogues (1954)
A novel is not, after all, a historical document, but a way to travel through the human heart.
Julia Alvarez, In the Time of the Butterflies
When I consider the small span of my life absorbed in the eternity of all time, or the small part of space which I can touch or see engulfed by the infinite immensity of spaces that I know not and that know me not, I am frightened and astonished to see myself here instead of there... now instead of then.
Blaise Pascal
Great art is as irrational as great music. It is mad with its own loveliness.
George Jean Nathan
If thy words be too luxuriant, confine them, lest they confine thee. He that thinks he can never speak enough, may easily speak too much. A full tongue and an empty brain are seldom parted.
Francis Quarles
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Scott Adams
A good writer is not necessarily a good book critic. No more so than a good drunk is automatically a good bartender.
Jim Bishop
Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous system. I have never known a man who died from overwork, but many who died from doubt.
Charles H. Mayo
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes.
We shall never learn to feel and respect our real calling and destiny, unless we have taught ourselves to consider everything as moonshine, compared with the education of the heart.
Sir Walter Scott
Thank God men cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.
Henry David Thoreau, Jan. 3, 1861
Who takes the child by the hand takes the mother by the heart.
German prove
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
Mahatma Gandhi
Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
Don Miguel Ruiz
There are three arts which are concerned with all things: one which uses, another which makes, and a third which imitates them.
Plato, The Republic
An enemy can partly ruin a man, but it takes a good - Natured injudicious friend to complete the thing and make it perfect.
Mark Twain