Art Quotes
The partisan, when he is engaged in a dispute, cares nothing about the rights of the question, but is anxious only to convince his hearers of his own assertions.Plato, Dialogues, Phaedo
If you have no confidence in yourself you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won before you have started.Marcus Garvey
Art is the indespensible medium for the communication of a moral idea.Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto
None can love freedom heartily but good men the rest love not freedom, but license.John Milton
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.T. S. Eliott
There is no need to run outside for better seeing... Rather abide at the center of your being For the more you leave it the less you learn. Search your heart and see... The way to do is to be.Lao Tzu
I was court - Martialled in my absence, and sentenced to death in my absence, so I said they could shoot me in my absence.Brendan Francis Behan
Humor distorts nothing, and only false gods are laughed off their earthly pedestals.Agnes Repplie
We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts, have their root in Greece.Percy Bysshe Shelley
To endure is greater than to dare to tire out hostile fortune to be daunted by no difficulty to keep heart when all have lost it - - who can say this is not greatness.William Makepeace Thackeray
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men - That is genius.Ralph Waldo Emerson
So when you are listening to somebody, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it.Jiddu Krishnamurti
A light heart lives long.Irish Prove
The art of government is the organization of idolatry.George Bernard Shaw
The price we pay when pursuing any art or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side.James Arthur Baldwin
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original whereas if you simply try to tell the truth without caring twopence how often it has been told before you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.Clive Staples Lewis
I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.Margaret Hilda Thatche
Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument, every utensil, every article designed for use, of each and every kind, evolved from a very simple beginning.Robert Collie
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.Fran Lebowitz
If wrinkles must be written upon your brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old.James Abram Garfield
A peace that comes from fear and not from the heart is the opposite of peace.Gersonides
Touch the earth, love the earth, honour the earth, her plains, her valleys, her hills, and her seas; rest your spirit in her solitary places.Ernest Dimnet
Experience is never limited, and it is never complete it is an immense sensibility, a kind of huge spider web of the finest silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every airborne particle in its tissue.Henry James
A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.John C. Maxwell
Many secrets of art and nature are thought by the unlearned to be magical.Francis Bacon
The friendly cow all red and white, I love with all my heart: She gives me cream with all her might; to eat with apple tart.Robert Louis Stevenson
A year from now you may wish you had started today.Karen Lam
Senator, I am one of them. You do not seem to understand who I am. I am a black woman, the daughter of a dining - Car worker... If my life has any meaning at all, it is that those who start out as outcasts can wind up as being part of the system.Patricia Roberts Harris
States should have the right to enact... laws... particularly to end the inhumane practice of ending a life that otherwise could live.George W. Bush, Gov. of Texas, state leading in executions
Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice journalism what will be read once.Cyril Connolly
Sundown, yellow moon, I replay the past. I know every scene by heart, they all went by so fast.Bob Dylan, "If you see her, say hello".
Poetry is an art, and chief of the fine arts; the easiest to dabble in, the hardest to reach true perfection.E. C. Stedman
Shame is that intrinsic meter of our own heart to tell us that we have failed to follow our own moral compass.LaDawnna Burnett, (1975 -), Letters on Ethics
Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely.The Land Before Time
When I look back now over my life and call to mind what I might have had simply for taking and did not take, my heart is like to break.Akhenaton
I passionately hate the idea of being with it. I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time.Orson Welles, 1966
Ignorance of certain subjects is a great part of wisdom.Hugo De Groot