Character Quotes

A rich man has no need of character.
Hebrew Prove
It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny their figure deformity.
Alexander Hamilton
When writing a novel a writer should create living people people not characters. A character is a caricature.
Ernest Hemingway
Franklin p. adams - the best part of the fiction in many novels is...
It is the highest form of self - Respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character.
Dr. Dale E. Turne
There are many kinds of smiles, each having a distinct character. Some announce goodness, and sweetness, others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride; some soften the countenance by their languishing tenderness, others brighten by their spiritual vivacity.
Johann Kaspar Lavate
Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence and a belief in our right and our responsibility to be equal members of society.
Janet Jackson
Cicero - in men of the highest character and noblest...
Our character... is an omen of our destiny, and the more integrity we have and keep, the simpler and nobler that destiny is likely to be.
George Santayana, "The German Mind: A Philosophical Diagnosis".
It violates right order whenever capital so employees the working or wage - Earning classes as to divert business and economic activity entirely to its own arbitrary will and advantage without, the social character of economic life, social justice, and the common good.
Pope Pius XI
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind.
Samuel Johnson
Talent develops in tranquillity, character in the full current of human life.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people.
Claiborne Pell
Movements born in hatred very quickly take on the characteristics of the thing they oppose.
J. S. Habgood
Poverty is the schoolmaster of character.
Character is power; it makes friends, draws patronage and support and opens the way to wealth, honor and happiness.
John Howe
About Superman and Batman: the former is how America views itself, the latter, darker character is how the rest of the world views America.
Michael Caine, www. aint - It - Cool - News. com
Pride sullies the noblest character.
When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.
True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.
Albert Einstein
Nature magically suits a man to his fortunes, by making them the fruit of his character.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The delicate thing about the university is that it has a mixed character, that it is suspended between its position in the eternal world, with all its corruption and evils and cruelties, and the splendid world of our imagination.
Richard Hofstadte
Bear in mind that brains and learning, like muscle and physical skill, are articles of commerce. They are bought and sold. You can hire them by the year or by the hour. The only thing in the world not for sale is character.
Antonin Scalia
I was going to sue for defamation of character, but then I realised I have no character.
Charles Barkley, "they said it" in Sports Illustrated
Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath.
The discipline of desire is the background of character.
John Locke
It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment.
Freeman John Dyson
What makes a good follower The single most important characteristic may well be a willingness to tell the truth. In a world of growing complexity leaders are increasingly dependent on their subordinates for good information, whether the leaders want to hear it or not. Followers who tell the truth and leaders who listen to it are an unbeatable combination.
Warren Bennis
People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.
Hermann Hesse
Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable.
Character is what you are in the dark.
American Prove
Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all only our characters are steadfast, not our gold.
It is possible that the scrupulously honest man may not grow rich so fast as the unscrupulous and dishonest one but the success will be of a truer kind, earned without fraud or injustice. And even though a man should for a time be unsuccessful, still he must be honest better lose all and save character. For character is itself a fortune...
Samuel Smiles
Working hard overcomes a who lot of other obstacles. You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people.
Marsha Evans
Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward.
Henry Ford
Philanthropic people lose all sense of Humanity, it is their distinguishing characteristic.
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey
To be a book - Collector is to combine the worst characteristics of a dope fiend with those of a miser.
Robertson Davies, "The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks".
Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
One can acquire everything in solitude - Except character.
Marie Henri Beyle
Talents are best nurtured in solitude; but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world.
Johan Wolfgang von Goethe