Civilization Quotes

Simms - the true law of the race is progress and...
A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft - Minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Simplicity is the peak of civilization.
Jessie Sampte
Man lowers his head and lunges into civilization, forgetting the days of his infancy when he sought truth in a snowflake or a stick. Man forgets the wisdom of the child.
Jack Kerouac
Eugene v. debs - if it had not been for the discontent of a few...
Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice.
Will Durant
I think there are only three things America will be known for 2, 000 years from now when they study this civilization the Constitution, jazz music, and baseball.
Gerald Early
On Western civilization I think it would be a good idea.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Noble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble men. Lack of culture means what it has always meant ignoble civilization and therefore imminent downfall.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Early civilizations complained about still earlier ones, much as we do about both.
Author Unknown
Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream is sometimes filled with blood from people killing, stealing, shouting and doing the things historians usually record, while on the banks, unnoticed, people build homes, make love, raise children, sing song.
Will Durant
The true test of a civilization is not the census, nor the size of the cities, nor the crops? no, but the kind of man the country turns out.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude
In the highest civilization, the book is still the highest delight. He who has once known its satisfactions is provided with a resource against calamity.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Letters and Social Aims: Quotation and Originality, 1876
Clearly, a civilization that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.
Jean Francois Revel
To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.
Bertrand Russell, Conquest of Happiness (1930) ch. 14
When vultures watching your civilization begin dropping dead, it is time to pause and wonder.
David Browe
The thin and precarious crust of decency is all that separates any civilization, however impressive, from the hell of anarchy or systematic tyranny which lie in wait beneath the surface.
Aldous Huxley
On a group of theories one can found a school; but on a group of values one can found a culture, a civilization, a new way of living together among men.
Ignazio Silone
Having a thirteen - Year - Old in the family is like having a general - Admission ticket to the movies, radio and TV. You get to understand that the glittering new arts of our civilization are directed to the teen - Agers, and by their suffrage they stand or fall.
Max Lerne
Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business.
Henry David Thoreau
Western civilization, unfortunately, does not link knowledge and morality but rather, it connects knowledge and power and makes them equivalent.
Vine Deloria
Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
Barbara Tuchman
Civilization is a transient sickness.
Robinson Jeffers
It is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it.
Ronald Knox
Civilization is the art of living in towns of such size the everyone does not know everyone else.
Julian Jaynes, "The Origin of Consciousness".
Civilization is very much an immature and ongoing experiment, the success of which is by no means yet proven.
Colin Turnbull, anthropologist, The Human Cycle
America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
Georges Clemenceau
Civilization is built on a number of ultimate principles... respect for human life, the punishment of crimes against property and persons, the equality of all good citizens before the law... or, in a word justice.
Max Nordau
Civilization is a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessaries.
Mark Twain
It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it.
Henry Allen
We know next to nothing about virtually everything. It is not necessary to know the origin of the universe it is necessary to want to know. Civilization depends not on any particular knowledge, but on the disposition to crave knowledge.
George Will
Humanity faces a quantum leap forward. It faces the deepest social upheaval and creative restructuring of all time. Without clearly recognizing it, we are engaged in building a remarkable new civilization from the ground up. This is the meaning of the Third Wave.
Alvin Toffle
Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
In our civilization, and under our republican form of government, intelligence is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from the cares of office.
Ambrose Bierce
If you will protest courageously, and yet with dignity and Christian love, when the history books are written in future generations, the historians will have to pause and say, There lived a great people - A black people - who injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top.
Timothy Leary
Ideas are the factors that lift civilization. They create revolutions. There is more dynamite in an idea than in many bombs.
Bishop Vincent
It is the first step of wisdom to recognize that the major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the society in which they occur.
George Whitehead
When humor goes, there goes civilization.
Erma Bombeck
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.
Oscar Wilde