Courage Quotes

Amelia earhart putnam - courage is the price that life extracts for...
Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to nurture it in solitude and to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads.
Erica Jong
Courage is the thing. All goes if courage goes.
Joseph Addison
Competition between individuals sets one against the other and undermines morale, but competition between organizations builds morale and encourages creativity.
What makes the difference between a Nation that is truly great and one that is merely rich and powerful It is the simple things that make the difference. Honesty, knowing right from wrong, openness, self - Respect, and the courage of conviction.
David L Boren
Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.
James F. Clarke
Courage comes and goes. Hold on for the next supply.
Vicki Baum
A man of character in peace is a man of courage in war.
Sir James Glove
Suffering. We owe to it all that is good in us, all that gives value to life we owe to it pity, we owe to it courage, we owe to it all the virtues.
Anatole France
This is courage in a man to bear unflinchingly what heaven sends.
Courageous risks are life - Giving, they help you grow, make you brave, and better than you think you are.
Joan L. Curcio
As for courage and will - we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.
Andre Norton
Life without the courage for death is slavery.
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
Eleanor Roosevelt, My Day
Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
Albert Einstein, quoted in New York Times, March 13, 1940
Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune, fear, injustice, while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good that everything is meaningful even if in a sense beyond our understanding and that there is always tomorrow.
Dorothy Thompson
The essential support and encouragement comes from within, arising out of the mad notion that your society needs to know what only you can tell it.
John Updike
Courage is the fear of being thought a coward.
Horace Smith
Without justice courage is weak.
Benjamin Franklin
Courage is found in unlikely places.
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.
Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize.
Elizabeth Harrison
An intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - - And a lot of courage - - To move in the opposite direction.
Hoshang N. Akhta
Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I may not forget you.
Sir William Arthu
One of the many ways of managing peers is to knock them down so heavily, whenever we find them on their wrong foot, that they loose the courage of raising their voice when we are wrong.
B. J. Gupta
Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.
Harry S Truman
The world is not respectable; it is mortal, tormented, confused, deluded forever; but it is shot through with beauty, with love, with glints of courage and laughter; and in these, the spirit blooms timidly, and struggles to the light amid the thorns.
George Santayana
The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.
Paul Tillich
Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success.
Brian Adams
The man who has the courage of his platitudes is always a successful man.
Van Wyck Brooks
Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace.
Amelia Earhart, Courage, 1927
The best weapons against the infamies of life are courage, wilfulness and patience. Courage strenthens, wilfulness is fun and patience provides tranquility.
Hermann Hesse
I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.
Charles Schwa
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
E. e. cummings
There is nothing in the world so much admired as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.
Courage may be taught as a child is taught to speak.
The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority.
Ralph W. Sockman
It used to take courage - - Indeed, it was the act of courage par excellence - - To leave the comforts of home and family and go out into the world seeking adventure. Today there are fewer places to discover, and the real adventure is to stay at home.
Alvaro de Solva
It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.