Doubt Quotes
Your confidence in the people, and your doubt about them, are closely related to your self - Confidence and your self - Doubt.Kahlil Gibran
The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting; by doubting we come to the question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.Pierre Abelard
Dubito ergo sum - I doubt therefore I am.Kayvan Sylvan
Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.Voltaire
If we get our information from the biblical material there is no doubt that the Christian life is a dancing, leaping, daring life.Eugene Peterson
For men become civilized, not in proportion to their willingness to believe, but in their readiness to doubt.Henry Louis Mencken
There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.Alfred Korzybski
To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith.Saint Francis of Assisi
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.Andre Gide
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right.Laurens Van der Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari (1958)
When in doubt, have two guys come through the door with guns.Raymond Chandle
If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts but if he will be content to begin with doubts he shall end in certainties.Francis Bacon
Unless I accept my faults, I will most certainly doubt my virtues.Hugh Prathe
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.Bertrand Russell
Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves?Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass".
Truth is beautiful, without doubt but so are lies.Ralph Waldo Emerson
We were all born with wings. In times of doubt spread them.Unknown
Fear of the devil is one way of doubting God.Kahlil Gibran
A lively, disinterested, persistent looking for truth is extraordinarily rare. Action and faith enslave thought, both of them in order not to be troubled or inconvenienced by reflection, criticism or doubt.Henri Frdric Amiel
I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.Wilson Mizne
When in doubt, tell the truth.Mark Twain
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory.Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha
I respect faith, but doubt is what gives you and education.Wilson Mizne
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace Where there is hatred let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon Where there is doubt, faith Where there is despair, hope Where there is darkness, light Where there is sadness, joy.Saint Francis of Assisi
To believe with certainty we must begin with doubting.Stanislaus Lescynski
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln
Doubt is a feeling too lonely to know that faith is its twin.Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.William Wirt
All doubt, despair, and fear become insignificant once the intention of life becomes love, rather than dependence on love.Sri da Avabhas
Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture.William James
Knowledge and personality make doubt possible, but knowledge is also the cure of doubt; and when we get a full and adequate sense of personality we are lifted into a region where doubt is almost impossible, for no man can know himself as he is, and all fullness of his nature, without also knowing God.T. T. Munge
Of all religions, Christianity is without a doubt the one that should inspire tolerance most, although, up to now, the Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire
Far or forgot to me is nearShadow and sunlight are the sameThe vanished gods to me appearAnd one to me are shame and fame. They reckon ill who leave me outWhen me they fly, I am the wingsI am the doubter and the doubt, And I the hymn the Brahmin sings.Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.Rene Descartes
It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who would profit by the old order, only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new.Machiavelli
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.Franklin D. Roosevelt, message for Jefferson Day, April 13, 1945