Freedom Quotes
History suggests that Capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom.Milton Friedman
Those who would deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, cannot long retain it.Abraham Lincoln
Politics is the art of achieving the maximum amount of freedom for individuals that is consistent with the maintenance of social order.Barry Goldwate
We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us.Andrew Schneide
Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.John Adams
I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom. And even when that desire is crushed by tyranny for decades, it will rise again.George W. Bush, State of the Union address, January 20, 2004
Many politicians lay it down as a self - Evident proposition, that no people ought to be free till they are fit to use their freedom. The maxim is worthy of the fool in the old story, who resolved not to go into the water till he had learned to swim.Lord Macaulay
We first have to find the way of freedom from involvement before we can introduce freedom in involvement.Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
Freedom is the right to say two plus two make four. If granted, all else follows.George Orwell
They have exiled me now from their society and I am pleased, because humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against despotism and oppression. He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty.Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious
And that this country shall have a new birth of freedom, and that this government, of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish from the Earth.Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
Freedom is not something that anybody can be given Freedom is something that people take and people are as free as they want to be.James Arthur Baldwin
Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be.Daniel J. Boorstin
War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength.George Orwell, Book "1984".
I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom.Bob Dylan
Freedom is the emancipation from the arbitrary rule of other men.Mortimer Adle
In the cage there is food, not much, but there is food - Outside are only great stretches of freedom.Nicanor Parra
Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.Albert Camus
Without freedom, no art art lives only on the restraints it imposes on itself, and dies of all others.Albert Camus
The willingness to sacrifice is the prelude to freedom.Pesach Sede
The deepest American dream is not the hunger for money or fame it is the dream of settling down, in peace and freedom and cooperation, in the promised land.Scott Russell Sanders
Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.Marilyn Ferguson
The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens. As Americans, we are blessed with circumstances that protect our human rights and our religious freedom, but for many people around the world, deprivation and persecution have become a way of life.Jimmy Carte
Men want the same thing from women and their underwear: support, comfort, and freedom.Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld
Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press and that cannot be limited without being lost.Thomas Jefferson
Beyond a critical point within a finite space, freedom diminishes as numbers increase. ... The human question is not how many can possibly survive within the system, but what kind of existence is possible for those who do survive.Frank Herbert, Dune
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants it is the creed of slaves.William Pitt
Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.Cicero
We stand for freedom. That is our conviction for ourselves that is our only commitment to others.John F. Kennedy
Those who enjoy such freedoms as we enjoy, forget in time that men died to earn them.Franklin Roosevelt
The freedom fighters of Nicaragua... are the moral equal of our Founding Fathers and the brave men and women of the French Resistance.Ronald Reagan
A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad.... Freedom is nothing else but a chance to bet better, whereas enslavement is a certainty of the worse.Albert Camus, Resistance, Rebellion and Death (1960)
Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.Sren Aaby Kierkegaard
Power in defense of freedom is greater than power on behalf of tyranny and oppression.Malcolm X
I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of the mind.Antoine de Saint - Exupery
The freedom of all is essential to my freedom.Mikhail Bakunin
There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.Dwight D. Eisenhowe