God Quotes

Horace, odes - it is not the rich man you should properly call...
God gives us our relatives - - Thank God he lets us choose our friends.
Ethel Watts Mumford
It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.
Mahatma Gandhi
God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.
From the oyster to the eagle, from the swine to the tiger, all animals are to be found in men and each of them exists in some man, sometimes several at the time. Animals are nothing but the portrayal of our virtues and vices made manifest to our eyes, the visible reflections of our souls. God displays them to us to give us food for thought.
Victor Hugo
When someone is giving you their theology, their God words, you should listen hard and be very gentle. The time to deliver your God words is when you are asked.
Real Live Preacher, Real Live Preacher weblog, 03 - 25 - 05
But already it is time to depart, for me to die, for you to go on living; which of us takes the better course, is concealed from anyone except God.
Socrates, Apology, (Plato)
Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is, but let us consider the two possibilities. If you gain, you gain all if you lose you lose nothing. Hesitate not, then, to wager that He is.
Blaise Pascal
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Michel de montaigne - man is certainly stark mad; he cannot make a...
Difficulties show men what they are. In case of any difficulty remember that God has pitted you against a rough antagonist that you may be a conqueror, and this cannot be without toil.
What really interests me is whether God had any choice in the creation of the world.
Albert Einstein
Mediocrity is not allowed to poets, either by the gods or man.
The idea of an incarnation of God is absurd: why should the human race think itself so superior to bees, ants, and elephants as to be put in this unique relation to its maker? . . Christians are like a council of frogs in a marsh or a synod of worms on a dung - Hill croaking and squeaking for our sakes was the world created.
Julian the Apostate
The gods too are fond of a joke.
God creates men, but they choose each other.
Niccolo Machiavelli, quoted in O Magazine, November 2003
A man is what he is, not what men say he is. His character no man can touch. His character is what he is before his God and his Judge; and only he himself can damage that. His reputations what men say he is. That can be damaged; but reputation is for time, character is for eternity.
John Ballantine Gough
The worshiper is the father of the gods.
H. L. Mencken
There are three things which are real God, human folly, and laughter. The first two are beyond our comprehension. So we must do what we can with the third.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him.
"Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
Frank Lloyd Wright
God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars.
Elbert Hubbard
This is the doctrine of justification. It is the wonderful fact that God imputes His righteousness to us and makes us immune to the condemnation of sin. Being justified, no sin can ever be imputed against us.
Art Sims
Troubles are often the tools God fashions us for better things.
Henry Ward Beeche
God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, thehelpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.
H. L. Mencken
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them.
Mark Twain, Following the Equator (1897)
If God were suddenly condemned to live the life which He has inflicted upon men, He would kill Himself.
Alexandre Dumas, fils
Men should not trust in God as if God did all, and yet labor earnestly as is he himself did all.
Allan K. Chalmers
It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God - But to create him.
Arthur C. Clarke
Sir, it is not God who will assemble us on the battlefield, nor position our troops, nor place the cannon, and it is not God who will aim the musket.
Winfield Hancock, Gods and Generals, pg 128, paragraph 3
I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.
Walt Whitman
Behold a worthy sight, to which the God, turning his attention to his own work, may direct his gaze. Behold an equal thing, worthy of a God, a brave man matched in conflict with evil fortune.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
A group of politicians deciding to dump a President because his morals are bad is like the Mafia getting together to bump off the Godfather for not going to church on Sunday.
Russell Wayne Bake
Where Mercy, Love, and Pity dwell There God is dwelling too.
William Blake
Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
C. S. Lewis, Chicken Soup for the Soul (book)
If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
St. Francis of Assisi
God, to me, it seems, is a verb, not a noun, proper or improper.
Richard Buckminster Fulle
Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God.
Heywood Broun
Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God when he does not wish to sign his work.
Anatole France
Nature is the glass reflecting God, as by the sea reflected is the sun, too glorious to be gazed on in his sphere.
Brigham Young