Happiness Quotes

No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities.
Christian Nestell Bovee
Jean jacques rousseau - happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a...
A course in miracles - forgiveness is the key to happiness....
Every day I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which, shirking pain, misses happiness as well.
Mary Cholmondeley
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
Victor Hugo
No man chooses evil because it is evil he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.
Mary Wollstonecraft
Happiness is like manna; it is to be gathered in grains, and enjoyed every day. It will not keep; it cannot be accumulated; nor have we got to go out of ourselves or into remote places to gather it, since it has rained down from a Heaven, at our very door.
Tyron Edwards
One of the universal rules of happiness is: always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.
Terry Pratchett, Jingo
The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords.
Samuel Johnson
Love is a condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Robert Anson Heinlein
Caring about others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an impact on people, brings happiness.
Rabbi Harold Kushne
Happiness is the only sanction of life where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment.
George Santayana
The happiest people are those who think the most interesting thoughts. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they are not only happy in themselves, they are the cause of happiness in others.
William Lyon Phelps
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment.
George Santayana, Life of Reason (1905) vol. 1, ch. 10
True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.
Antoine De Saint - Exupery
Faith is the virtue of the storm, just as happiness is the virtue of sunshine.
Ruth Fulton Benedict
The secret of happiness is this: Let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather that hostile.
Bertrand Russell
One ought to seek out virtue for its own sake, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any external influence. Moreover, that in that does happiness consist.
Diogenes Laertius, Zeno
Happiness is good health and a bad memory.
Ingrid Bergman
Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.
Pearl Sydenstricker Buck
When you reliquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness.
Nicole Kidman
Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances.
J. Donald Wlters
Yesterday is a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore to this day.
Sanskrit Prove
Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Norman MacEwan
Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults.
Thomas Szasz
But be, as you have been, my happiness...
Randall Jarrell
There is a difference between happiness and wisdom: he that thinks himself the happiest man is really so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool.
Sir Francis Bacon
But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads.
Albert Camus
Depend not on another, but lean instead on thyself... True happiness is born of self - Reliance.
The laws of Manu
A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness.
Success in highest and noblest form calls for peace of mind and enjoyment and happiness which comes only to the man who has found the work he likes best.
Napoleon Hill
The love of retirement has in all ages adhered closely to those minds which have been most enlarged by knowledge, or elevated by genius. Those who enjoyed everything generally supposed to confer happiness have been forced to seek it is the shades of privacy.
Happiness is in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin Roosevelt
America has believed that in differentiation, not in uniformity, lies the path of progress. It acted on this belief it has advanced human happiness, and it has prospered.
Louis D. Brandeis
Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.
Sydney Smith
Happiness is not in having being it is in doing.
Lillian Eichler Watson
One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the market - Place. One should direct them towards mutual affection. A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn