Help Quotes
If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment
Complain to one who can help you.Yugoslav Prove
All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it if the job is forced on them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else.H. L. Mencken
We do not believe in immortality because we can prove it, but we try to prove it because we cannot help believing it.Harriet Martineau
People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly.Brendan Francis
It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to be kind to another, without helping himself.Bailey
The impersonal hand of government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbor.Hubert H. Humphrey
Help thyself, and God will help thee.Jean de La Fontaine
In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.Flora Edwards
No men can be lords of our faith, though they may be helpers of our joy.John Owen
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.Psalm 42, Book II, Holy Bible
It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.Ralph Waldo Emerson
He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist in our helper.Edmund Burke
Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best.Joseph B. Wirthlin
Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.Saint Francis de Sales
Of men who have a sense of honor, more come through alive than are slain, but from those who flee comes neither glory nor any help.Homer, The Iliad
Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.Booker T. Washington
An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.Henry Ford
Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them.Hermann Hesse
Two things a man should never be angry at what he can help, and what he cannot help.Thomas Fulle
The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help solve, the ones you can really contribute something to.Richard Feynman, Letter to Koichi Mano, February 3, 1966
Most everything in my brain, someone else helped put there.Unknown
Shut out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.Sir William Osle
But few have spoken of the actual pleasure derived from giving to someone, from creating something, from finishing a task, form offering unexpected help almost invisibly and anonymously.Paul Wiene
I think these difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes around worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.Isak Dinesen
One kernel is felt in a hogshead; one drop of water helps to swell the ocean; a spark of fire help to give light to the world. None are too small, too feeble, too poor to be of service. Think of this and act.Hannah More
Society attacks early when the individual is helpless.B. F. Skinne
Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgment and nothing can help you escape it.Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Turn your midlife crisis to your own advantage by making it a time for renewal of your body and mind, rather than stand by helplessly and watch them decline.Jane E. Brody
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.Thomas Jefferson
Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.Martin Luthe
God always has an angel of help for those who are willing to do their duty.T. L. Cuyle
Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.Judith Martin, (Miss Manners)
What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured.Prophet Mohammad
Knowledge is essential to conquest; only according to our ignorance are we helpless. Thought creates character. Character can dominate conditions. Will creates circumstances and environment.Anne Besant
Of all the inventions that have helped to unify China perhaps the airplane is the most outstanding. Its ability to annihilate distance has been in direct proportion to its achievements in assisting to annihilate suspicion and misunderstanding among provincial officials far removed from one another or from the officials at the seat of government.Madame Chiang