History Quotes

W. h. auden - acts of injustice done between the setting and...
For the first time in the history of our country the majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.
James Earl Jimmy Carter, Jr.
George bernard shaw - if history repeats itself, and the unexpected...
Those who don? t build must burn. It? s as old as history and juvenile delinquence.
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451
A country losing touch with its own history is like an old man losing his glasses, a distressing sight, at once vulnerable, unsure, and easily disoriented.
George Walden
The history of the human race, viewed as a whole may be regarded as the realization of a hidden plan of nature to bring about a political constitution, internally, and for this purpose, also externally perfect, as the only state in which all the capacities implanted by her in mankind can be fully developed.
Immanuel Kant
History is bunk.
Henry Ford
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.
Nikita Khrushchev, remark at the Polish embasy in Moscow, Nov. 18, 1956
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge That myth is more potent than history That dreams are more powerful than facts That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief And I believe that love is stronger than death.
How could you be a Great Man if history brought you no Great Events, or brought you to them at the wrong time, too young, too old?
Lois McMaster Bujold, "Memory", 1996
When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right.
Eugene V. Debs
I cannot join the space program and restart my life as an astronaut, but this opportunity to connect my abilities as an educator with my interests in history and space is a unique opportunity to fulfill my early fantasies.
Christa McAuliffe
Men make history, and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.
Harry S Truman
History is philosophy teaching by examples.
Henry St. John Bolingbroke
The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.
Carl Rowen
This is the greatest week in the history of the world since the Creation. Saluting crew of the Apollo 11.
Richard Milhous Nixon
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to utter hopelessness and despair, the other to total extinction. Let us hope we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
Woody Allen
History suggests that Capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom.
Milton Friedman
The people of the United States, perhaps more than any other nation in history, love to abase themselves and proclaim their unworthiness, and seem to find refreshment in doing so... That is a dark frivolity, but still frivolity.
Robertson Davies
Swindon What will history say Burgoyne History, sir, will tell lies as usual.
George Bernard Shaw
Religion is a monumental chapter in the history of human egotism.
William James
As we face a new era of world history, there is an urgent need for the true Church of Jesus Christ, the Body of Christ, to be about the business God has called us to, the work of ministry. And this is a work that every believer is called to be actively involved in.
Edward Bedore
Any movement in history which attempts to perpetuate itself, becomes reactionary.
Marshal Tito
The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards.
Walter Bagehot
A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - A place where history comes to life.
Norman Cousins
There are periods in history when change is necessary, and other periods when it is better to keep everything for the time as it is. The art of life is to be in the rhythm of your age.
Oswald Mosley
History is the unfolding of miscalculation.
Barbara Tuchman
May it not be that, just as we have faith in Him, God has to have faith in us and, considering the history of the human race so far, may it not be that faith is even more difficult for Him than it is for us.
Wystan Hugh Auden
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
Woody Allen
If Beethoven had been killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, it would have changed the history of music... and of aviation.
Tom Stoppard
History, as an entirety, could only exist in the eyes of an observer outside it and outside the world. History only exists, in the final analysis, for God.
Albert Camus
No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now.
Richard Milhous Nixon
We are living the events which for centuries to come will be minutely studied by scholars who will undoubtedly describe these days as probably the most exciting and creative in the history of mankind. But preoccupied with our daily chores, our worries and personal hopes and ambitions, few of us are actually living in the present.
Lawrence K. Frank
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.
Mitch Ratcliffe
If we fight a war and win it with H - Bombs, what history will remember is not the ideals we were fighting for but the methods we used to accomplish them. These methods will be compared to the warfare of Genghis Khan who ruthlessly killed every last inhabitant of Persia.
Hans A. Bethe
What is history but a fable agreed upon.
Napoleon Bonaparte
History does not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis. Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help. But, like dandruff, most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it.
Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1972)
Geschichte ist... ein Dialog zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. re - Transl.: History is... a dialogue between the present and the past.
Edward Hallet Carr, Was ist Geschichte?, S. 54
Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world.
Dave Barry
Political history is largely an account of mass violence and of the expenditure of vast resources to cope with mythical fears and hopes.
Murray Edelman, _Politics as Symbolic Action_, p. 1