Ideas Quotes
Men moving only in an official circle are apt to become merely official - - Not to say arbitrary - - In their ideas, and are apter and apter with each passing day to forget that they only hold power in a representative capacity.William Adams
People who cannot invent and reinvent themselves must be content with borrowed postures, secondhand ideas, fitting in instead of standing out.Warren Bennis
Reading transports me. I can go anywhere and never leave my chair. It lets me shake hands with new ideas.Rolfe Neill
The test of a first - Rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.F. Scott Fitzgerald
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming that comes when you finish the life of the emotions and of personal relations and suddenly find - At the age of fifty, say - That a whole new life has opened before you, filled with things you can think about, study, or read about... It is as if a fresh sap of ideas and thoughts was rising in you.Agatha Christie
To die for an idea it is unquestionably noble. But how much nobler it would be if men died for ideas that were true.H. L. Mencken
Ideas are like wandering sons. They show up when you least expect them.Bern Williams
If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.Alfred Bernhard Nobel
The way to combat noxious ideas is with other ideas. The way to combat falsehoods is with truth.William O. Douglas
The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.Dr. Linus Pauling
Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men, or they are no better than dreams.Ralph Waldo Emerson
There are only two kinds of scholars; those who love ideas and those who hate them.Emile Chartie
Fixed ideas are like a cramp in the foot - The best remedy against it is to tread on it.S? ren Kierkegaard, Journal, july 6., 1838
Civilization is a slow process of adopting the ideas of minorities.Anonymous
The test of a first - Rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.F. Scott Fitzgerald
This is my answer to the gap between ideas and action - I will write it out.Hortense Calishe
Whoever sets himself to see things as they are will find himself one of a very small circle but it is only by this small circle resolutely doing its own work that adequate ideas will ever get current at all.Matthew Arnold
Never, never rest contented with any circle of ideas, but always be certain that a wider one is still possible.Pearl Bailey
Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down.Hector Berlioz
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.John Fitzgerald Kennedy
A library, to modify the famous metaphor of Socrates, should be the delivery room for the birth of ideas - A place where history comes to life.Norman Cousins
If there is anything more dangerous to the life of the mind than having no independent commitment to ideas, it is having an excess of commitment to some special and constricting idea.Richard Hofstadte
The world moves, and ideas that were once good are not always good.Dwight D Eisenhowe
He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.Abraham Lincoln
We hate the very idea that our own ideas may be mistaken, so we cling dogmatically to our conjectures.Karl Poppe
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.John Steinbeck
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.John F. Kennedy
Generally speaking, men are influenced by books which clarify their own thought, which express their own notions well, or which suggest to them ideas which their minds are already predisposed to accept.Carl Lotus Becke
If we can dispel the delusion that learning about computers should be an activity of fiddling with array indexes and worrying whether X is an integer or a real number, we can begin to focus on programming as a source of ideas.Harold Abelson
People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first.David H. Comins
Be not astonished at new ideas for it is well known to you that a thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many.Spinoza
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.George Bernard Shaw
Congealed thinking is the forerunner of failure... make sure you are always receptive to new ideas.George Crane
What makes men of genius, or rather, what they make, is not new ideas, it is that idea - Possessing them - That what has been said has still not been said enough.Eugene Delacroix
Any ideas, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.Napoleon Hill
It is useless to close the gates against ideas; they overlap them.Klemens Von Metternich
The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non - Westerners never do.Samuel P. Huntington
Nothing is as difficult as to achieve results in this world if one is filled full of great tolerance and the milk of human kindness. The person who achieves must generally be a one - Ideaed individual, concentrated entirely on that one idea, and ruthless in his aspect toward other men and other ideas.Corinne Roosevelt Robinson