Imagination Quotes
When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.Emile Coue
Imagination grows by exercise and contrary to common belief is more powerful in the mature than in the young.Ursula K. LeGuin
Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination.Voltaire
It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination, but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection, which makes us believe, and it is not true, that, as children, we were imaginative?Cesare Pavese
We all use our imagination every day. However, most of us are unaware that what we envision affects every cell of our bodies and every aspect of our performance.Marilyn King
The life of man is the true romance, which when it is valiantly conduced, will yield the imagination a higher joy than any fiction.Ralph Waldo Emerson
So you see, imagination needs moodling - Long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering.Brenda Ueland
Art requires imagination. It requires Creativity. Creativity requires experience and experience comes from your life. And your life is expressed in your art.Bruce Lee
It is feeling and force of imagination that make us eloquent.Marcus Valerius Martialis
The surest road to health, say what they will, Is never to suppose we shall be ill - Most of those evils we poor mortals know, From doctors and imagination flow.Charles Churchill
It becomes a bore doing imaginative books that do not touch imaginations, and at length one stops even planning them.H. G. Wells, Preface of "The Complete Science - Fiction Treasury of H. G. Wells".
Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice.Arnold J. Toynbee
The mere formulation of a problem is far more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skills. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and marks real advances in science.Albert Einstein
Talent, lying in the understanding, is often inherited genius, being the action of reason or imagination, rarely or never.Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.Bertrand Russell
The possibilities for mobilizing the experience, imaginations, and intelligence of workers, both employed and unemployed, are limitless.Dominique Bouhours
It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. You need less imagination to be a painter because you can invent things. But in photography everything is so ordinary it takes a lot of looking before you learn to see the extraordinary.David Bailey
To regard the imagination as metaphysics is to think of it as part of life, and to think of it as part of life is to realize the extent of artifice. We live in the mind.W. Somerset Maugham
The delicate thing about the university is that it has a mixed character, that it is suspended between its position in the eternal world, with all its corruption and evils and cruelties, and the splendid world of our imagination.Richard Hofstadte
If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self - Interest, you can have practically anything you go after.Napoleon Hill
Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change.Marquis de Sade
Imagination rules the world.Napoleon I
Life is not so bad if you have plenty of luck, a good physique and not too much imagination.Christopher Isherwood
There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of the imagination.Lawrence George Durrell
Imagination is a poor substitute for experience.Henry Havelock Ellis
I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge That myth is more potent than history That dreams are more powerful than facts That hope always triumphs over experience That laughter is the only cure for grief And I believe that love is stronger than death.Robert
Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture... Do not build up obstacles in your imagination.Norman Vincent Peale
It has, moreover, been proven that horror, nastiness, and the frightful are what give pleasure when one fornicates. Beauty is a simple thing ugliness is the exceptional thing. And fiery imaginations, no doubt, always prefer the extraordinary thing to the simple thing.Marquis de Sade
Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.George Bernard Shaw
Imagination is the pontoon bridge making way for the timid feet of reason.Author Unknown
Man is a being born to believe. And if no church comes forward with its title - Deeds of truth to guide him, he will find altars and idols in his own heart and his own imagination.Benjamin Disraeli
Live out of your imagination, not your history.Stephen Covey
Memory feeds imagination.Amy Tan
Study the situation thoroughly, go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you and the consequences which can and may follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives the most promise and go ahead.Dr. Maxwell Maltz
The Hobbits are just rustic English people, made small in size because it reflects the generally small reach of their imagination.J. R. R. Tolkien
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is god, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but never less, dazzaling, passionate, and eternal form.Plato
Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future.Charles F. Kettering