Lie Quotes

Maya angelou - if someone tells you who they are, believe them....
The final delusion is the belief that one has lost all delusion.
Maurice Chapelain
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination.
Tommy Lasorda
Their understanding Begins to swell and the approaching tide Will shortly fill the reasonable shores That now lie foul and muddy.
William Shakespeare
Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al - Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands.
Osama Bin Laden, BBC
I do not believe today everything I believed yesterday I wonder will I believe tomorrow everything I believe today.
Matthew Arnold
If you tell a lie - - Tell a big one.
Joespeh Goebbels
Who will tell whether one happy moment of love, or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.
Erich Fromm
I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark.
Dick Gregory
Mohandas karamchand gandhi - satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the...
Is necessary to take such measures that, when they believe no longer, it may be possible to make them believe by force.
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
First there is a time when we believe everything, then for a little while we believe with discrimination, then we believe nothing whatever, and then we believe everything again - And, moreover, give reasons why we believe.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Human beings have an inalienable right to invent themselves.
Germaine Greer, O Magazine, September 2002
America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week.
Evan Esa
Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
Ludwig Mises
I always prefer to believe the best of everybody - It saves so much trouble.
Rudyard Kipling
I cannot believe that the inscrutable universe turns on an axis of suffering surely the strange beauty of the world must somewhere rest on pure joy.
Louise Bogan
It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes. It may even lie on the surface; but we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions? especially selfish ones.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Peace and Violence, sct. 2, in Index, no. 4 (London, 1973.
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, use that something to support their own existence.
Frank Zappa
In every aspect of our lives, we are always asking ourselves, How am I of value? What is my worth? Yet I believe that worthiness is our birthright.
Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine
Mankind is governed by minorities, seldom or never by majorities. It suppresses its feelings and its beliefs and follows the handful that makes the most noise. Sometimes the noisy handful is right, sometimes wrong, but no matter, the crowd follows it.
Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, Chapter IX
Talk unbelief, and you will have unbelief; but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.
Ellen G. White
The bitterest tragic element in life to be derived from an intellectual source is the belief in a brute Fate or Destiny.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Natural History of Intellect (1893)
It was one of the deadliest and heaviest feelings of my life to feel that I was no longer a boy. From that moment I began to grow old in my own esteem - And in my esteem age is not estimable.
George Gordon Byron
To believe in God or in a guiding force because someone tells you to is the height of stupidity. We are given senses to receive our information within. With our own eyes we see, and with our own skin we feel. With our intelligence, it is intended that we understand. But each person must puzzle it out for himself or herself.
Sophy Burnham
I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance.
Adlai E. Stevenson Jr., retort to a heckler asking him to state his beliefs, Time, November 1, 1963
Telling the truth will lead you to freedom telling the lies will lead you to slavery.
Jameson Green
Believe not much them that seem to despise riches, for they despise them that despair of them.
Francis Bacon
Within the problem lies the solution.
Milton Katselas
Shyness has a strange element of narcissism, a belief that how we look, how we perform, is truly important to other people.
Andr Dubus
I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.
Pietro Aretino
But love is blind and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit; For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy.
William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act II Scene 6
Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known.
D. A. Battista
Remember that what pulls the strings is the force hidden within there lies the power to persuade, there the life, - - There, if one must speak out, the real man.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Love flies, runs, and rejoices; it is free and nothing can hold it back.
Thomas a Kempis
Unless man is committed to the belief that all mankind are his brothers, then he labors in vain and hypocritically in the vineyards of equality.
Adam Clayton Jr. Powell
Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.
W. Clement Stone
Much as we might wish to believe otherwise, universal love and the welfare of the species as a whole are concepts which simply do not make evolutionary sense.
Richard Dawkins
The people of the States now confederated..... believed that to remain longer in the Union would subject them to continuance of a disparaging discrimination, submission to which would be inconsistent with their welfare, and intolerable to a proud people. They therefore determined to sever its bounds and established a new Confederacy for themselves.
Jefferson Davis
I believe that its most important function is in the formation of attachment. If we did not suffer enough loss to fear it, we could not love intensely.
Andrew Soloman, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression