Lie Quotes
A lie travels farther than the truth.Irish Prove
My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it till now. - - Comment made 10 April 1962 in reaction to news that U. S. Steel was raising prices by $6 per ton, right after the unions negotiated a modest new contract under pressure from JFK to keep inflation down.John F. Kennedy, "A Thousand Days, " by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. [1965]
Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!Friedrich Nietzsche
Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.Louisa May Alcott
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.Joseph Conrad
We believe that the applause of silence is the only kind that counts.Alfred Jarry
No sadder proof can be given by man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero Worship, 1840
I do not believe today everything I believed yesterday I wonder will I believe tomorrow everything I believe today.Matthew Arnold
A man said to the Universe: Sir, I exist! However, replied the Universe, the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.Stephen Crane
Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity speech is shallow as Time.Thomas Carlyle
I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.E. V. Lucas
God made Truth with many doors to welcome every believer who knocks on them.Kahlil Gibran
Teachers believe they have a gift for giving it drives them with the same irrepressible drive that drives others to create a work of art or a market or a building.A Bartlett Giamatti
Art is a lie that tells the truth.Pablo Picasso
Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives; they go only as far as the grave, leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave.The Talmud
I had an immense advantage over many others dealing with the problem inasmuch as I had no fixed ideas derived from long - Established practice to control and bias my mind, and did not suffer from the general belief that whatever is, is right.Henry Besseme
All writers - All people - Have their stores of private and family legends which lie like a collection of half - Forgotten, often violent toys on the floor of memory.Sir V Pritchett
All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.Leo Tolstoy
I hate careless flattery, the kind that exhausts you in your effort to believe it.Wilson Mizne
Faith is to believe what you do not see the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.Saint Augustine
A strict belief, fate is the worst kind of slavery; on the other hand there is comfort in the thought that God will be moved by our prayers.Epicurus
The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines - So they should go as far as possible from home to build their first buildings.Frank Lloyd Wright, New York Times, October 4, 1953
That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic and random is confusing. In between lies art.John A. Locke
For manipulation to be most effective, evidence of its presence should be nonexistent... It is essential, therefore, that people who are manipulated believe in the neutrality of their key social institutions.Herbert Schille
It is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it.Ronald Knox
What you have when everyone wears the same playclothes for all occasions, is addressad by nickname, expected to participate in Show And Tell, and bullied out of any desire form privacy, is not democracy; it is kindergarten.Judith Martin, (Miss Manners)
The three most important parts a man has are, briefly, his private parts, his money and his religious beliefs.Samuel Butle
There is a courtesy of the heart it is allied to love. From it springs the purest courtesy in the outward behavior.Johann von Goethe
Carlyle said, A lie cannot live; it shows he did not know how to tell them.Mark Twain
Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer.Mark Twain
Energy is that amazing feeling that comes to life inside of you when you? re happy and believe in yourself.Richard Simmons
The people of the States now confederated..... believed that to remain longer in the Union would subject them to continuance of a disparaging discrimination, submission to which would be inconsistent with their welfare, and intolerable to a proud people. They therefore determined to sever its bounds and established a new Confederacy for themselves.Jefferson Davis
The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. referring to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.George Walker Bush
Learn to limit yourself, to content yourself with some definite thing, and some definite work dare to be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not and to believe in your own individuality.Henri Frdric Amiel
Between thought and expression lies a lifetime.Lou Reed
No one lies so boldly as the man who is indignant.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.George Carlin