Lie Quotes
He who makes a beast of himself relieves himself the pain of being a man.Hunter S. Thompson
What the world needs is not dogma but an attitude of scientific inquiry combined with a belief that the torture of millions is not desirable, whether inflicted by Stalin or by a Deity imagined in the likeness of the believer.Bertrand Russell
The radical novelty of modern science lies precisely in the rejection of the belief, which is at the heart of all popular religion, that the forces which move the stars and atoms are contingent upon the preferences of the human heart.Richard Adams
Men of ill judgment oft ignore the good That lies within their hands, till they have lost it.Sophocles, Ajax
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that - And shudder.Bible, James 2: 19 (New International Version)
I believe that if i should die, and you were to walk near my grave, from the very depths of the earth I would hear your footsteps.Benito Perez Galdos
The art of living lies in a fine mingling of holding on and letting go.Havelock Ellis
Desire, ask, believe, receive.Stella Terrill Mann
I gave up on new poetry myself thirty years ago, when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens on a hostile world.Russell Bake
Be not afraid of life. Believe that life IS worth living and your belief will help create the fact.James Truslow Adams
We can lie in the language of dress or try ot tell the truth; but unless we are naked and bald, it is impossible to be silent.Alison Lurie
They can conquer who believe they can. He has not learned the first lesson in life who does not every day surmount a fear.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul unbelief, in denying them.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learn from me, if not by my precepts, then by my example, how dangerous is the pursuit of knowledge and how much happier is that man who believes his native town to be the world than he who aspires to be greater than his nature will allow.Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein
Most people die at the last minute others 20 years beforehand, some even earlier. They are the wretched of the earth.Louis Celine
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.Buddha
Only a novel... in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour are conveyed to the world in the best chosen language.Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possibility that the other may be right, though neither believes it.Don Frase
The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves if we are underlings.Shakespeare.
Believe in life! Always human beings will live and progress to greater, broader and fuller life.W. E. B. Du Bois, last message to the world, 1957
Many people believe they are attracted by God, or by Nature, when they are only repelled by man.William Ralph Inge
I can tell you, honest friend, what to believe believe life it teaches better than book or orator.Johann von Goethe
A doctor can bury his mistakes but a supplier based engineer can only advise the product designer to specify a heavier texture.Mick Lloyd Kerman
If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it.Ronnie Lott
The especial genius of women I believe to be electrical in movement, intuitive in function, spiritual in tendency.Margaret Fulle
We are certain that there is forgiveness, because there is a Gospel, and the very essence of the Gospel lies in the proclamation of the pardon of sin.Charles Haddon Spurgeon
In later life, as in earlier, only a few persons influence the formation of our character the multitude pass us by like a distant army.Jean Paul Friedrich Richte
A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.Alan J. Perlis
Do we, holding that gods exist, deceive ourselves with unsubstantiated dreams, and lies, while random careless chance and change alone rule the world.Euripides
The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value.Charles Dudley Warne
When we are in love we often doubt that which we most believe.La Rochefoucauld
The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.Adolf Hitle
I believe in the possibility of miracles but more to the point, I believe in our need for them.Dean Koontz, Fear Nothing, Page 4, final paragraph
It is not observed in history that families improve with time.George William Curtis
Forming characters! Whose? Our own or others? Both. And in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence.Elihu Burritt
The human mind must believe in something, so why not let it believe what it does believe.Author Unknown
We are born believing. A man bears beliefs, as a tree bears beauty.Ralph Waldo Emerson