Life Quotes
Life is short. Time is fleeting. Realize the Self. Purity of the heart is the gateway to God. Aspire. Renounce. Meditate. Be good do good. Be kind be compassionate. Inquire, know Thyself.Swami Sivanada
Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.Michael Landon
Change is the law of life; and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.John F. Kennedy
Conscience is the perfect interpreter of life.Karl Barth
However mean your life is, meet it and live it do not shun it and call it hard names. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.Henry David Thoreau
Why abandon a belief merely because it ceases to be true Cling to it long enough, and it will turn true again, for so it goes. Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor.Robert Frost
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals (1929) ch. 19
Experience: A comb life gives you after you lose your hair.Judith Stern
Thou wilt find rest from vain fancies if thou doest every act in life as though it were thy last.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing, you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of yourself.Robert F. Bennett
Life is an adventure in forgiveness.Norman Cousins
While we have the gift of life, it seems to me that only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious uniqueness.Gilda Radne
The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.Frank Lloyd Wright
Turn your midlife crisis to your own advantage by making it a time for renewal of your body and mind, rather than stand by helplessly and watch them decline.Jane E. Brody
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.Leo Buscaglia
Growth is the only evidence of life.John Henry Newman
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.Colette, Chance Acquaintances, 1952
Nobody, as long as he moves about among the currents of life, is without trouble.Carl Gustav Jung
Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do it well whatever I have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself completely in great aims and in small I have always thoroughly been in earnest.Charles Dickens
A chief event in life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us.Ralph Waldo Emerson
the tragedy of life is not that we die, but is rather, what dies inside a man while he lives.Albert Schweitze
Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me... Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me throughout the rest of my life and i will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.Bible, Psalm 23, New Testament
The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love and something to hope for.Joseph Addison
A man who is afraid of death will be afraid of life also, because life brings death. If you are afraid of the enemy and you close your door, the friend will also be prohibited.Osho, The art of Dying
None meet life honestly and few heroically.Clarence Darrow
The chief reason for going to school is to get the impression fixed for life that there is a book side for everything.Robert Frost
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.Albert Camus
Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.William Shakespeare
You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself.Beryl Markham
The hardest thing in life is to know which bridge to cross and which to burn.David Russell
Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.H. S. Thompson
If all men lead mechanical, unpoetical lifes, this is the real nihilism, the real undoing of the world.Reginald Blyth
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song, A medley of extemporanea; And love is a thing that can never go wrong; And I am Marie of Romania.Dorothy Parker, Not So Deep as a Well (1937), "Comment".
Everyone needs a strong sense of self. It is our base of operations for everything that we do in life.Julia T. Alvarez
My life is very crazy and busy, but I love it that way.Hilary Duff
The man who in view of gain thinks of righteousness; who in the view of danger is prepared to give up his life; and who does not forget an old agreement however far back it extends - Such a man may be reckoned a complete man.Confucius, The Confucian Analects