Live Quotes
Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible.Saint Augustine
My friends, your people have both intellect and heart; you use these to consider in what way you can do the best to live.Spotted Tail (Sioux Indian)
Let the minor genius go his light way and enjoy his life - The great nature cannot so live, he is never really in holiday mood, even though he often plucks flowers by the wayside and ties them into knots and garlands like little children and lays out on a sunny morning.W. B. Yeats
I am more and more convinced that our happiness depends more on how we meet the events in our lives, than on those events themselves.Alexander Humboldt
Formula for success Underpromise and overdeliver.Thomas Peters
One of the great dreams of man must be to find some place between the extremes of nature and civilization where it is possible to live without regret.Barry Lopez
And all people live, Not by reason of any care they have for themselves, But by the love for them that is in other people.Leo Tolstoy
The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government is to live under the government of worse men.Plato, The Republic
When you live in Texas, every single time you see snow its magical.Pamela Ribon
We live as we dream - Alone.Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Live the questions.Rainer Maria Rilke
Live simply, so that all may simply live.St, Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774 - 1821) Foundress of the Sisters of Charity, USA, Speech given in the Diocese of Baltimore
I cannot believe that the purpose of life is merely to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate. I think it is above all to matter, to count, to stand for something. To have it make some difference that you lived at all.Leo Rosten
To live is like love, all reason is against it, and all healthy instinct for it.Samuel Butle
Nothing changes more constantly than the past; for the past that influences our lives does not consist of what happened, but of what men believe happened.Gerald W. Johnston
If you would live healthy, be old early.Danish prove
Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory; Odors, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the sense they quicken.Percy Bysshe Shelley
The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else.Martina Navratilova
Yesterday is a dream, tomorrow but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore to this day.Sanskrit Prove
Resolve to live as with all your might while you do live, and as you shall wish you had done ten thousand years hence.Johathan Edwards
Had I been chosen President again, I am certain I could not have lived another year.John Adams
The events of our lives happen in a sequence of time, but in their significance to ourselves, they find their own order.Eudora Welty
We live in an age when to be young and indifferent can no longer be synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented by suffering millions and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity.Benjamin Disraeli
It is by no means certain that our individual personality is the single inhabitant of these our corporeal frames... We all do things both awake and asleep which surprise us. Perhaps we have cotenants in this house we live in.Oliver Wendell Holmes
Everyone dies. Not everyone really lives.William Wallace, Braveheart
Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to.Alfred A. Montapert
Live so that your friends can defend you but never have to.Arnold H. Glasgow
Live free or die; death is not the worst of evils.General John Stark
Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.Albert Einstein
As I sit I see a dove And think of our deep, dear true love Think not about our future lives Except perhaps our growing size Keep all your thoughts alive, aglow, All will be well, no fear, I knowUnknown
We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.Herman Melville
To live with fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity.Edward Weeks
No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head.Terry Josephson
I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.Daniel Webste
The affair between Margot Asquith and Margot Asquith will live as one of the prettiest love stories in all literature.Dorothy Parke
Have patience awhile; slanders are not long - Lived. Truth is the child of time; erelong she shall appear to vindicate thee.Immanuel Kant
You think your pains and heartbreaks are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who have ever been alive.James Baldwin