Love Quotes

SURE - FIRE SINGLES AD: Famous Writer needs woman to organize his life and spend his money. Loves to turn off Sunday football and go to the Botanical Gardens with that special someone. Will obtain plastic surgery if necessary.
Joe Bob Briggs
Lucius annaeus seneca - conversation has a kind of charm about it, an...
The Lord listens to the pryers of those who ask to be able to forget hatred, but is deaf to those who want to flee love.
Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain
Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is.
Diane Ackerman
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life That word is love.
Sophocles, oedipus at colonus - one word frees us of all the weight and pain of...
Life in abundance comes only through great love.
Elbert Hubbard
Christmas - - That magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance - - A day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
Augusta E. Rundell
Sister mary lauretta - to be successful, the first thing to do is to...
Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke.
Lynda Barry
Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent.
William Shakespeare
The yearning for an afterlife is the opposite of selfish it is love and praise for the world that we are privileged, in this complex interval of light, to witness and experience.
John Updike
Let no one who loves be called unhappy. For even love unreturned has its rainbow.
J. M. Barrie
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.
William Hazlitt
I knew from the start if I left a woman I really loved - - The Great Society - - In order to fight that bitch of a war in Vietnam then I would lose everything at home. My hopes my dreams.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good His love and His kindness go on forever.
1 Chronicles 1634 TLB Bible
There is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists, or simulate it where it does not.
La Rochefoucauld
Hatred paralyzes life love releases it. Hatred confuses life love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life love illumines it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
I love drugs, but I hate hangovers, and the hatred of the hangover wins by a landslide every time.
Margaret Cho, weblog, 10 - 30 - 03
There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.
Dwight D. Eisenhowe
I love you the more that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.
John Keats
Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
Victor Hugo
Immature love says, I love you because I need you, mature love says, I need you because I love you.
Winston Churchill
Unless you love someone, nothing else makes any sense.
E e cummings
God bless thee; and put meekness in thy mind, love, charity, obedience, and true duty!
William Shakespeare
The distinction between children and adults, while probably useful for some purposes, is at bottom a specious one, I feel. There are only individual egos, crazy for love.
Don Barthelme
God grants liberty only to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.
Daniel Webste
Doubt of the reality of love ends by making us doubt everything.
Henri Frdric Amiel
Love conquers all things; let us too surrender to Love.
Virgil, Eclogues
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
Thomas Fulle
Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.
James Baldwin
The AIDS epidemic has rolled back a big rotting log and revealed all the squirming life underneath it, since it involves, all at once, the main themes of our existence sex, death, power, money, love, hate, disease and panic. No American phenomenon has been so compelling since the Vietnam War.
Edmund White
People love high ideals, but they got to be about 33 - Percent plausible.
Will Rogers
It is most unwise for people in love to marry.
George Bernard Shaw
It is in learning music that many youthful hearts learn to love.
Gratitude, like love, is never a dependable international emotion.
Joseph Alsop
O, Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console To be understood as to understand To be loved as to love For it is in giving that we receive It is in pardoning that we are pardoned And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
Saint Augustine
Love and hate are not opposites. The opposite of love is indifference.
A. S. Neill, Summerhill
There are many ways of breaking a heart. Stories were full of hearts broken by love, but what really broke a heart was taking away its dream - whatever that dream might be.
Pearl Buck
I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix.
Dan Quayle