Love Quotes

Antoine de saint - exupery - life has taught us that love does not consist in...
When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.
Maurice Maeterlinck, Wisdom and Destiny, 1898
If you would be loved, love and be lovable.
Benjamin Franklin
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.
Barbara DeAngelis
Some pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary I humbly pray to heaven above that I love the man I marry.
Anouk Aimee
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia - - To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.
Henry Louis Mencken
John wayne, (as genghis kahn to susan hayward in the move the conqueror) 1956 - yer beautiful in yer wrath! i shall keep you, and...
God made man because He loves stories.
Elie Wiesel
The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.
Prophet Mohammed
At twilight, nature is not without loveliness, though perhaps its chief use is to illustrate quotations from the poets.
Oscar Wilde
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility for it thinks all things lawful for itself, and all things possible.
Thomas a Kempis
Real love is a permanently self - Enlarging experience.
M. Scott Peck, O Magazine, February 2004
So long as we love we serve so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say that we are indespensable and no man is useless while he has a friend.
Robert Louis Stephenson
What force is more potent than love?
Igor Stravinsky
The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair; and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Love is the vital essence that pervades and permeates, from the center to the circumference, the graduating circles of all thought and action. Love is the talisman of human weal and woe - - The open sesame to every soul.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Love is the triump of imagination over intelligence.
Henry Louis Mencken
A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.
Lao Tze
When the time comes for friends to part, love will be the bride, from heart to heart.
There are only two kinds of scholars; those who love ideas and those who hate them.
Emile Chartie
He who falls in love with himself, will have no rivals.
Ben Franklin
Touch the earth, love the earth, honour the earth, her plains, her valleys, her hills, and her seas; rest your spirit in her solitary places.
Ernest Dimnet
Every theory of love, from Plato down, teaches that each individual loves in the other sex what he lacks in himself.
G. Stanley Hall
The most important things to do in the world are to get something to eat, something to drink and somebody to love you.
Brendan Francis Behan
Love truth, and pardon error.
Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of life.
Maureen Hawkins
Immature love says, I love you because I need you, mature love says, I need you because I love you.
Winston Churchill
To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia.
H. L. Mencken
Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. You ever notice that trees do everything to git attention we do, except walk.
Alice Walke
The course of true love was never easy.
William Shakespeare
It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Love in marriage should be the accomplishment of a beautiful dream, and not, as it too often is, the end.
Alphonse Ka
Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
Kahlil Gibran
The fickleness of the women whom I love is only equalled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me.
George Bernard Shaw
If you love it let it go. If it returns to you cherish it, if not it was never truly yours.
Jealousy - That dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive.
Havelock Ellis
Enemies, as well as lovers, come to resemble each other over a period of time.
Sydney Harris
We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.
Baronne Anne Louise Germaine Necker de Stal Stal
If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved.
Kahlil Gibran
It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved.
Niccolo Machiavelli