Men Quotes
It is only the great men who are truly obscene. If they had not dared to be obscene, they could never have dared to be great.Havelock Ellis
Vigorous let us be in attaining our ends, and mild in our method of attainment.Lord Newborough, Motto
Christianity taught men that love is worth more than intelligence.Jacques Maritain
In nature there are neither rewards not punishments - - There are consequences.Robert Green Ingersoll
I will ignore all ideas for new works on engines of war, the invention of which has reached its limits and for whose improvements I see no further hope.Sextus Julius Frontinus
All commend patience, but none can endure to suffer.Thomas Fulle
Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.Eckhart Tolle
Real, constructive mental power lies in the creative thought that shapes your destiny, and your hour - By - Hour mental conduct produces power for change in your life. Develop a train of thought on which to ride. The nobility of your life as well as your happiness depends upon the direction in which that train of thought is going.Laurence J. Pete
Men are conservatives when they are least vigorous, or when they are most luxurious. They are conservatives after dinner.Ralph Waldo Emerson, New England Reformers, 1844
A friend is someone, who upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than to have to watch their friend suffer.Amanda Grie
Young men think old men are fools but old men know young men are fools.George Chapman
Ridicule is the first and last argument of fools.Charles Simmons
And that this country shall have a new birth of freedom, and that this government, of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish from the Earth.Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.Foster C. McClellan
Wise men talk because they have something to say fools, because they have to say something.Plato
Old houses mended, Cost little less than new before they? re ended.Colley Cibber, The Double Gallant, Prologue
Success has made failures of many men.Cindy Adams
Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.John Locke
Let us forever forget that every station in life is necessarily that each deserves our respect; that not the station itself; but the worthy fulfillment of its duties does honor the man.Mary Lyon
Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.Christopher Morley
Creative thinking should be viewed as an essential supplement to, though not a replacement for, critical thinking.Lloyd P. Provost & R. M. Sprout, Quality Progress [August 1996]
Never lose sight of this important truth, that no one can be truly great until he has gained a knowledge of himself, a knowledge which can only be acquired by occasional retirement.Johann Georg von Zimmermann
For whereas the mind works in possibilities, the intuitions work in actualities, and what you intuitively desire, that is possible to you. Whereas what you mentally or consciously desire is nine times out of ten impossible; hitch your wagon to star, or you will just stay where you are.D. H. Lawrence
Stupid men are often capable of things the clever would not dare to contemplate...Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
Some men are born posthumously.Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist
Men, in general, are but great children.Napoleon
Only one absolute certainty is possible to man, namely that at any given moment the feeling which he has exists.Thomas H. Huxley
The secretary of education does not work for the education establishment. The secretary works for the American people.William John Bennett
The work of internal government has become the task of controlling the thousands of fifth - Rate men.Henry B. Adams
Thoughts are tyrants that return again and again to torment us.Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
All men are in some degree impressed by the face of the world; some men even to delight. This love of beauty is taste. Others have the same love in such success that, not content with admiring, they seek to embody it in new forms. The creation of beauty is art.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Modesty and unselfishness - - These are the virtues which men praise - - And pass by.Andr Maurois
The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment.Malcolm Muggeridge
Temptation rarely comes in working hours. It is in their leisure time that men are made or marred.W. N. Taylo
By and large, I seem to have made more mistakes than any others of whom I know, but have learned thereby to make ever swifter acknowledgment of the errors and thereafter immediately set about to deal more effectively with the truths disclosed by the acknowledgment of erroneous assumptions.Richard Buckminster Fulle
Numbers are essential, but not absolutely essential to strength. For many churches are numerically strong but lamentably weak spiritually. Numbers, then, are no display of spiritual power or strength.W. T. Ussery
The laughter of a man is the contentment of God.John Weiss