Mind Quotes

The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
John Milton
Krishnamurti - without freedom from the past, there is no...
He who confers a favor should at once forget it, if he is not to show a sordid ungenerous spirit. To remind a man of a kindness conferred and to talk of it, is little different from reproach.
Joesph heller, catch - 22 - in a way the cid man was pretty lucky, because...
If it takes a lot of words to say what you have in mind, give it more thought.
Dennis Roch
Great minds think alike, and fools seldom differ.
Things that we hear pass quicker from our minds than what we read.
The sound of fresh rain run - Off splashing from the roof reminded me of the sound of urine splashing into a filthy Texaco latrine.
Jack Handey Deep Thoughts
A university is not a service station. Neither is it a political society, nor a meeting place for political societies. With all its limitations and failures, and they are invariably many, it is the best and most benign side of our society insofar as that society aims to cherish the human mind.
Richard Hofstadte
A book is a story for the mind. A song is a story for the soul.
Eric Pio
Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch
Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Samuel taylor coleridge - he saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill...
In all the important preparations of the mind she was complete: being prepared for matrimony by an hatred of home, restraint, and tranquillity; by the misery of disappointed affection, and contempt of the man she was to marry.
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers would one day suffer reverse.
Sophocles, Trachiniae
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
Swami Sivanada
First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind. If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it. We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.
Robert Cecil Day Lewis
To my mind, to kill in war is not a whit better than to commit ordinary murder.
Albert Einstein
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
Sir Richard Steele
I visualize things in my mind before I have to do them. It is like having a mental workshop.
Jack Youngblood
I loathe the expression What makes him tick. It is the American mind, looking for simple and singular solution, that uses the foolish expression. A person not only ticks, he also chimes and strikes the hour, falls and breaks and has to be put together again, and sometimes stops like an electric clock in a thunderstorm.
James Thurbe
America is the land of wide lawns and narrow minds.
Ernest Hemingway
No man of genuinely superior intelligence has ever been an actor. Even supposing a young man of appreciable mental powers to be lured upon the stage, as philosophers are occasionally lured into bordellos, his mind would be inevitably and almost immediately destroyed by the gaudy nonsense issuing from his mouth every night.
H. L. Mencken
Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to continually be part of unanimity.
Christopher Morley
Our numbers have increased in Vietnam because the aggression of others has increased in Vietnam. There is not, and there will not be, a mindless escalation.
Lyndon B. Johnson
An improper mind is a perpetual feast.
Logan Pearsall Smith
Nurture your mind with great thoughts, For you will never go any higher that you think...
Benjamin Disraeli
Let thy chief fort and place of defense be a mind free from passions. A stronger place and better fortified than this, hath no man.
Marcus Aelius Aurelius
Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind.
Leonardo da Vinci
Consistency is the quality of a stagnant mind.
John Sloan
Real poverty is less a state of income than a state of mind.
George F. Gilde
I call that mind free which jealously guards its intellectual rights and powers, which calls no man master, which does not content itself with a passive or hereditary faith, and receives new truth as an angel from Heaven.
Woody Allen
Emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.
Bob Marley
It is a mistake for a taciturn, serious - Minded woman to marry a jovial man, but not for a serious - Minded man to marry a lighthearted woman.
Johann von Goethe
A mind too active is no mind at all.
Theodore Roethke
Tact is, after all, a kind of mind reading.
Sarah Orne Jewett
To be feared is to fear: no one has been able to strike terror into others and at the same time enjoy peace of mind.
It would be ridiculous to talk of male and female atmospheres, male and female springs or rains, male and female sunshine.... How much more ridiculous is it in relation to mind, to soul, to thought, where there is as undeniably no such thing as sex...
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The only infallible criterion of wisdom to vulgar minds - - Success.
Edmund Burke
It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion.
Mentat Praye