Nature Quotes

Let the minor genius go his light way and enjoy his life - The great nature cannot so live, he is never really in holiday mood, even though he often plucks flowers by the wayside and ties them into knots and garlands like little children and lays out on a sunny morning.
W. B. Yeats
It is not for man to rest in absolute contentment. He is born to hopes and aspirations as the sparks fly upward, unless he has brutified his nature and quenched the spirit of immortality which is his portion.
Robert Southey
Whatever you are from nature, keep to it; never desert your own line of talent. Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed; be anything else, and you will be ten thousands times worse than nothing.
Sydney Smith
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Love is an image of God, and not a lifeless image, but the living essence of the divine nature which beams full of all goodness.
Martin Luthe
Marquis de vauvenargues - it is not true that equality is a law of nature....
Some people surrender their freedom willingly but others are forced to surrender it. Imprisonment begins with birth. Society, parents they refuse to allow you to keep the freedom you were born with. There are subtle ways to punish a person for daring to feel. You see that everyone around you has destroyed his true feeling nature. You imitate what you see.
Jim Morrison
Socrates - he is richest who is content with the least, for...
Everything is deemed possible except that which is impossible in the nature of things.
California Civil Code, "Object of a Contract".
It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, That those who will not risk cannot win.
Paul Jones
Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions.
Antoinette Brown Blackwell
Human judges can show mercy. But against the laws of nature, there is no appeal.
Arthur C. Clarke
To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.
Henry Ward Beeche
To the body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work or company, nature is medicinal and restores their tone.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essay: Nature
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ralph waldo emerson - nature magically suits a man to his fortunes, by...
Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world; she never wastes anything; she undergoes change, but there is no annihilation, the essence remains - Matter is eternal.
Horace Binney
I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority.
E. B. White
This is the true nature of home - - It is the place of Peace; the shelter, not only from injury, but from all terror, doubt and division.
John Ruskin
The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly.
Henry David Thoreau, Walden, Chapter 1: Economy
This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
George Bernard Shaw
There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.
William Henry Harrison
A stern discipline pervades all nature, which is a little cruel that it may be very kind.
Edmund Spense
I enjoyed my own nature to the fullest, and we all know that there lies happiness, although, to soothe one another mutually, we occasionally pretend to condemn such joys as selfishness.
Albert Camus
Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. Too many of us divide and dissipate our energies in debating actions which should be taken for granted.
Ralph W. Sockman
Nature abhors a vacuum. When a head lacks brains, nature fills it with conceit.
Author Unknown
Nature never did betray The heart that loved her.
William Wordsworth
It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible.
Love is that splendid triggering of human vitalitythe supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else.
Jose Ortega y Gasset
Nature is at work.. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives us love and hate, jealousy and reverence. All that is ours is the power to choose which impulse we shall follow.
David Seabury
Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
Francis Bacon
Nature herself has never attempted to effect great changes rapidly.
A brother is a friend given by Nature.
Action is the product of the Qualities inherent in Nature.
Bhagavad Gita
Accuse not nature, she hath done her partDo thou but thine, and be not diffidentOf wisdom, she deserts thee not, if thouDismiss not her, when most thou needest her nigh, By attributing overmuch to thingsLess excellent, as thou thyself perceivest.
John Milton
It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to.... The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.
Vincent Van Gogh
The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself, but in so doing, he identifies himself with people - - That is, people everywhere, not for the purpose of taking them apart, but simply revealing their true nature.
James Thurbe
You cannot slander human nature it is worse than words can paint it.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon
I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do more to deserve praise than culture without nature.
In the next year or so, my signature will appear on 60 billion of United States currency. More important to me, however, is the signature that appears on my life - The strong, proud, assertive handwriting of a loving father and mother.
Katherine D. Ortega