Nature Quotes

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
Helen Keller, The Open Door (1957)
Immanuel kant, critique of pure reason - human reason is by nature architectonic....
Edmund burke - it is the nature of all greatness not to be exact....
We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.
Edmund Burke
It is an error to imagine that evolution signifies a constant tendency to increased perfection. That process undoubtedly involves a constant remodelling of the organism in adaptation to new conditions but it depends on the nature of those conditions whether the directions of the modifications effected shall be upward or downward.
Thomas Huxley
Such is the irresistible nature of truth that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.
Thomas Paine
Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature.
In peace, children inter their parents war violates the order of nature and causes parents to inter their children.
A painter told me that nobody could draw a tree without in some sort becoming a tree or draw a child by studying the outlines of its form merely... but by watching for a time his motions and plays, the painter enters into his nature and can then draw him at every attitude...
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature is not cruel, pitilessly, indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous - - Indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose.
Richard Dawkins
All men by nature desire knowledge.
Aristotle, Metaphysics
What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it.
Isaac Bashevis Singer, New York Times Magazine, Nov. 26, 1978
His life was gentle and the elements So mixed in him, that Nature might stand up, And say to all the world, THIS WAS A MAN.
William Shakespeare