Power Quotes
Not to be cheered by praise, Not to be grieved by blame, But to know thoroughly ones own virtues or powers Are the characteristics of an excellent man.Saskya Pandita
It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts.Dr. Robert Schulle
Anxiety is the rust of life, destroying its brightness and weakening its power. A childlike and abiding trust in Providence is its best preventive and remedy.Tyron Edwards
Any power must be an enemy of mankind which enslaves the individual by terror and force, whether it arises under the Fascist or the Communist flag. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.Albert Einstein
Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.Edward De Bono
Whether he admits it or not, a man has been brought up to look at money as a sign of his virility, a symbol of his power, a bigger phallic symbol than a Porsche.Victoria Billings
A good intention clothes itself with power.Ralph Waldo Emerson
A divine falsehood is more powerful than any human truth.Michael Bakunin, God and State
Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.Seneca
Any fine morning, a power saw can fell a tree that took a thousand years to grow.Edwin Teale
The soul is created in a place between Time and Eternity with its highest powers it touches Eternity, with its lower Time.Johannes Meister Eckhart
I regret to say that we of the F. B. I. are powerless to act in cases of oral - Genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce.J. Edgar Hoove
Western civilization, unfortunately, does not link knowledge and morality but rather, it connects knowledge and power and makes them equivalent.Vine Deloria
We are different from previous generations of conservatives. We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure of this country.Paul Weyrich
The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the Nation? s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for they determine whether we use power or power uses us.John F. Kennedy, Amherst College, Oct 26, 1963 - Source JFK Library, Boston, Mass.
I want to talk to these people because they stay in power and you change all the time.Nikita Khrushchev
Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.George Orwell, 1984 Book 3, Chapter 3
The ancient Greek definition of happiness was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence.John F. Kennedy
The wrong sort of people are always in power because they would not be in power if they were not the wrong sort of people.Jon Wynne Tyson
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas and the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., (dissent, Abrams v. United States, 1919)
Politics will eventually be replaced by imagery. The politician will be only too happy to abdicate in favor of his image, because the image will be much more powerful than he could ever be.Herbert Marshall McLuhan
An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Melish, January 13, 1813
Either you think - - Or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.F Scott
Refrain from doing ill; for one all powerful reason, lest our children should copy our misdeeds; we are all too prone to imitate whatever is base and depraved.Juvenal
Let no man imagine that he has no influence. Whoever he may be, and wherever he may be placed, the man who thinks becomes a light and a power.Henry George
Be bold and mighty powers will come to your aid.Basil King
A student is not a professional athlete. ... He is not a little politician or junior senator looking for angles... an amateur promoter, a glad - Hander, embryo Rotarian, caf - Society leader, quiz kid or man about town. A student is a person who is learning to fulfill his powers and to find ways of using them in the service of mankind.Harold Taylo
The United States has the power to destroy the world, but not the power to save it alone.Margaret Mead
The measure of a man is what he does with power.Pittacus
Those who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. Thus, there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people.Aristotle
If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - If he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind.John Stuart Mill
We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world - Or to make it the last.John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Bitterness imprisons life love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life love empowers it. Bitterness sours life love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life love heals it. Bitterness blinds life love anoints its eyes.Harry Emerson Fosdick
By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with... the earth and the wonders thereof - The sea - The sun.Katherine Mansfield
I repeat... that all power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people, and for the people all springs, and all must exist.Benjamin Disraeli
Creative powers can just as easily turn out to be destructive. It rests solely with the moral personality whether they apply themselves to good things or to bad. And if this is lacking, no teacher can supply it or take its place.Carl Jung
Power is what men seek, and any group that gets it will abuse it. It is the same story.Lincoln Steffens