Power Quotes
In this world no one rules by love if you are but amiable, you are no hero to be powerful, you must be strong, and to have dominion you must have a genius for organizing.John Henry Newman
Imagination grows by exercise and contrary to common belief is more powerful in the mature than in the young.Ursula K. LeGuin
Power may be justly compared to a great river while kept within its bounds it is both beautiful and useful, but when it overflows its banks, it is then too impetuous to be stemmed it bears down all before it, and brings destruction and desolation wherever it goes.Alexander Hamilton
Those who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. Thus, there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people.Aristotle
Better to rely on one powerful king than on many little princes.Jean de La Fontaine
Nature is at work.. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives us love and hate, jealousy and reverence. All that is ours is the power to choose which impulse we shall follow.David Seabury
Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.Nido Qubein
A leader must be constantly aware of the power of his words.... and his silences.Simon MacDonald
Power in defense of freedom is greater than power on behalf of tyranny and oppression.Malcolm X
A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to Farce, or a Tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance. and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.James Madison
Do you want to be a power in the world? Then be yourself.Ralph Waldo Trine
Nothing, it appears to me is of greater value in a man than the power of judgement and the man who has it may be compared to a chest fulled with books, for he is the son of nature and the father of art.Pietro Aretino
On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.Friedrich Nietzsche
Truth has beauty, power and necessity.Sylvia Ashton - Warne
No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his rage.Plutarch
The beauty of empowering others is that your own power is not diminished in the process.Barbara Colorose
There is no thought in any mind, but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Liberal: a power worshipper without power.George Orwell
The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.William Hazlitt
An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Melish, January 13, 1813
Before we acquire great power, we must acquire wisdom to use it well.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Idealism is the noble toga that political gentlemen drape over their will to power.Aldous Huxley
Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.Edward De Bono
Laughter, while it lasts, slackens and unbraces the mind, weakens the faculties, and causes a kind of remissness and dissolution in all the powers of the soul.Joseph Addison
Power intoxicates men. When a man is intoxicated by alcohol, he can recover, but when intoxicated by power, he seldom recovers.James F. Byrnes
The ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas and the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., (dissent, Abrams v. United States, 1919)
Everything a human being wants can be divided into four components love, adventure, power and fame.Johann von Goethe
Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.Johann von Goethe
As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.Albert Einstein
If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure.Nicolas Boileau
The AIDS epidemic has rolled back a big rotting log and revealed all the squirming life underneath it, since it involves, all at once, the main themes of our existence sex, death, power, money, love, hate, disease and panic. No American phenomenon has been so compelling since the Vietnam War.Edmund White
O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us. O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us.Robert Burns, Poem "To a Louse" - Verse 8
When I was young, I used to think that wealth and power would bring me happiness... I was right.Gahan Wilson
Whoever has the greatest command of the language, holds the power.Susan Johnson
No matter how rich you become, how famous or powerful, when you die the size of your funeral will still pretty much depend on the weather.Michael Pritchard
Character is power; it makes friends, draws patronage and support and opens the way to wealth, honor and happiness.John Howe
Remember that the evil which is now in the world will only get more powerful, and that it is not evil which conquers evil, but only love.The Grand Duchess Olga of Russia, Letter, 1917