Power Quotes
When once a man has made celebrity necessary to his happiness, he has put it in the power of the weakest and most timourous malignity, if not to take away his satisfaction, at least to withhold it. His enemies may indulge their pride by airy negligence a.Samuel Johnson
When we are angry or depressed in our creativity, we have misplaced our power. We have allowed someone else to determine our worth, and then we are angry at being undervalued.Julia Cameron, The Vein of Gold
Nothing is quite so wretchedly corrupt as an aristocracy which has lost its power but kept its wealth and which still has endless leisure to devote to nothing but banal enjoyments. All its great thoughts and passionate energy are things of the past, and nothing but a host of petty, gnawing vices now cling to it like worms to a corpse.Alexis Charles Henri Clrel de Tocqueville
I repeat... that all power is a trust; that we are accountable for its exercise; that from the people, and for the people all springs, and all must exist.Benjamin Disraeli
The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things - - The power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit.Johnson
It is not necessary for all men to be great in action. The greatest and sublimest power is simple patience.Horace Bushnell
I have found power in the mysteries of thought, exaltation in the changing of the Muses; I have been versed in the reasonings of men; but Fate is stronger than anything I have known.Euripides, Alcestis, 438 B. C.
To the generous mind the heaviest debt is that of gratitude, when it is not in our power to repay it.Benjamin Franklin
The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish Government, presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established Government.George Washington
There are questions of real power and then there are questions of phony authority. You have to break through the phony authority to begin to fight the real questions of power.Angel Blessing
The mind has greater power over the emotions, and is less subject thereto, insofar as it understands all things to be necessary.Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics
This only is denied to God: the power to undo the past.Agathon, from Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.George Eliot
Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame, but probably only for this reason, that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.Friedrich Nietzsche
Knowledge is power. Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est.Sir Francis Bacon, Meditationes Sacr?. De H? resibus. (1597)
Of women I do not wish them to have power over men but over themselves.Mary Wollstonecraft
By health I mean the power to live a full, adult, living, breathing life in close contact with... the earth and the wonders thereof - The sea - The sun.Katherine Mansfield
Once upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous intellectual and economic power by which I created a world - wide depression all by myself.Herbert Clark Hoove
The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth.La Rochefoucauld
We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.Stephen Vincent Benet, Litany for Dictatorships, 1935
It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.Eric Hoffe
To be good, we must do good and by doing good we take a sure means of being good, as the use and exercise of the muscles increase their power.Tryon Edwards
When I say I believe in a square deal i do not mean... to give every man the best hand. If the cards do not come to any man, or if they do come, and he has not got the power to play them, that is his affair. All I mean is that there shall be no crookedness in the dealing.Theodore Roosevelt
Power is something of which I am convinced there is no innocence this side of the womb.Nadine Gordime
Genius hath electric power which earth can never tame.Lydia M. Child
The qualities that get a man into power are not those that lead him, once established, to use power wisely.Lyman Bryson
Humans are driven by a perpetual and restless desire of power.Thomas Hobbes
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.Rudyard Kipling
Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, and over these ideals they dispute, but they all worship money.Mark Twain
There are powers inside of you, if you could discover and use, would make of you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.Orison Swett Marden
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant.John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty", 1859
Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good.Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Man has responsibility, not power.Tuscarora prove
Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.Albert Einstein
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.Victor Hugo
The power of love, as the basis of a State, has never been tried.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is the will to power; our natural desire to dominate and reshape the world to fit our own preferences and assert our personal strength to the fullest degree.Friedrich Nietzche