Race Quotes
Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.Lao - Tzu, The Way of Lao - Tzu
If you aspire to the highest place it is no disgrace to stop at the second, or even the third.Marcus Tullius Cicero
The truly religious man does not embrace a religion and he who embraces one has no religion.Kahlil Gibran
It is not enough to limit your love to your own nation, to your own group. You must respond with love even to those outside of it.... This concept enables people to live together not as nations, but as the human race.Clarence Jordan
The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.Benjamin Disraeli
He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.Imam Ali - Ibn - Abi - Talib, Nahjul Balgha (Peak of Eloquence), saying no. 2
Nothing surely is so disgraceful to society and to individuals as unmeaning wastefulness.Count Benjamin Thompson Rumford
If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.George Aiken
Perseverance is not a long race it is many short races one after another.Walter Elliott
The object of government in peace and in war is not the glory of rulers or of races, but the happiness of the common man.Lord William Beveridge
When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age.Victor Hugo
I almost think it is the ultimate destiny of science to exterminate the human race.Thomas Love Peacock
Grace is but glory begun, and glory is but grace perfected.Johathan Edwards
Always accept good fortune with grace and humility.Mark L. Mika
God is not merely interestd in the freedom of brown men, yellow men, red men and black men. He is interested in the freedom of the whole human race.Martin Luther King Jr.
The haves and have nots can be traced back to the dids and did nots.Anthony Klco
I am inferior of any man whose rights I trample under foot. Men are not superior by reason of the accidents of race or color. They are superior who have the best heart - - The best brain.Robert Green Ingersoll
The Army has carried the American... ideal to its logical conclusion. Not only do they prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, creed and color, but also on ability.Tom Lehre
Do not despair of life. Think of the fox, prowling in a winter night to satisfy his hunger. His race survives I do not believe any of them ever committed suicide.Henry David Thoreau
When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race.H. G. Wells
The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.Steven Weinberg
There is a difference between Moses and Paul. Moses was the great Law - Giver to the nation of Israel, while Paul is the great dispenser of Grace to the Church, the Body of Christ.Henry Grube
Any education that matters is liberal. All the saving truths, all the healing graces that distinguish a good education from a bad one or a full education from a half empty one are contained in that word.Alan Simpson
Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.Lao Tzu
It is the difference of opinion that makes horse races.Mark Twain
My boredom threshold is low at the best of times but I have spent more time being slowly and excruciatingly bored by children than any other section of the human race.William H. Borah
He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.Hazrat Ali Ibn - E - Abi Talib, Nahj - Ul - Balagha (Sermon and sayings compilation)
Courage is grace under pressure.Ernest Hemingway
The building of a perfect body crowned by a perfect brain, is at once the greatest earthly problem and grandest hope of the race.Dio Lewis
No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.Booker T. Washington
The man who dies rich dies disgraced.Andrew Carnegie
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.Ecclesiastes 9: 11
Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue.John Dryden
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot - Proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.Rich Cook
The heads of strong old age are beautiful beyond all grace of youth.Robinson Jeffers, O Magazine, October 2003
It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue.John Dryden