Reality Quotes

Nietzsche - we have art so that we shall not die of reality....
Now, in reality, the world have paid too great a compliment to critics, and have imagined them to be men of much greater profundity then they really are.
Henry Fielding
Men decide far more problems by hate, love, lust, rage, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, illusion, or some other inward emotion, than by reality, authority, any legal standard, judicial precedent, or statute.
Reality continues to ruin my life.
Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.
Pablo Picasso
In our society those who are in reality superior in intelligence can be accepted by their fellows only if they pretend they are not.
Marya Mannes
Social engaged intellectuals must accept reality as they found it and shape it toward positive social goals, not stand aside in self - Righteous isolation.
John Dewey
It takes in reality only one to make a quarrel. It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.
William Ralph Inge, Outspoken Essays (1919)
Generally students are the best vehicles for passing on ideas, for their thoughts are plastic and can be molded and they can adjust the ideas of old men to the shape of reality as they find it in villages and hills of China or in ghettos and suburbs of America.
Theodore Harold White