Success Quotes

The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.
Mark Caine
The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you.
Nancy Asto
A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration.
Kurt Lewin
The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top.
Ralph waldo emerson - all men are in some degree impressed by the face...
General george patton - success is how high you bounce when you hit...
Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be. It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success.
Diana Rankin
Barbara tuchman - every successful revolution puts on in time the...
The penalty of success is to be bored by the attentions of people who formerly snubbed you.
Mary Wilson Little
All successful newspapers are ceaselessly querulous and bellicose. They never defend anyone or anything if they can help it if the job is forced on them, they tackle it by denouncing someone or something else.
H. L. Mencken
Of course, our failures are a consequence of many factors, but possibly one of the most important is the fact that society operates on the theory that specialization is the key to success, not realizing that specialization precludes comprehensive thinking.
R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, 1963
To become an able and successful man in any profession, three things are necessary, nature, study and practice.
Henry Ward Beeche
If we say a little it is easy to add, but having said too much it is hard to withdraw and never can it be done so quickly as to hinder the harm of our success.
Francis Saint De Sales
Behind every successful man is a surprised woman.
Maryon Pearson
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.
Robert Louis Stephenson
Success is the child of audacity.
Benjamin Disraeli
In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
Rita Rudne
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.
Og Mandino
The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
Kenneth Hartley Blanchard
Most success springs from an obstacle or failure. I became a cartoonist largely because I failed in my goal of becoming a successful executive.
Scott Adams
If you achieve success, you will get applause, and if you get applause, you will hear it. My advice to you concerning applause is this enjoy it but never quite believe it.
Robert Montgomery
Success is never final.
Sir Winston Churchill
Nothing in the world will take away persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than an unsuccessful man with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge
The only successful substitute for brains is silence.
If the truth be known, most successes are built on a multitude of failures.
Author Unknown
I have heard it said that the first ingredient of success - The earliest spark in the dreaming youth - Is this: dream a great dream.
John Alan Appleman
Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, Worthwhile, Personal Goals.
Paul Meye
Eighty percent of success is showing up.
Woody Allen
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.
Napolean Hill
Make service your first priority, not success and success will follow.
Author Unknown
Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day...
Jim Rohn
If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.
Joseph Addison
Character is what can do without success.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is not the going out of port, but the coming in, that determines the success of a voyage.
Henry Ward Beeche
The surest hindrance of success is to have too high a standard of refinement in our own minds, or too high an opinion of the judgment of the public. He who is determined not to be satisfied with anything short of perfection will never do anything to please himself or others.
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
Colin Powell
The most successful businessman is the man who holds onto the old just as long as it is good, and grabs the new just as soon as it is better.
Robert P. Vanderpoel
I was not successful as a ballplayer, as it was a game of skill.
Casey Stengel
A statesman is a successful politician who is dead.
Thomas B. Reed
The secret of success is to do common things uncommonly well.
John Davidson Rockefeller, Sr.