Thinking Quotes
That orgy of wishful thinking that has passed for logic in the present century.F. W. Lawvere
Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find - Nothing.Aesop, The Goose with the Golden Eggs
Over - Seriousness is a warning sign for mediocrity and bureaucratic thinking. People who are seriously committed to mastery and high performance are secure enough to lighten up.Michael J. Gel
I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two - Thirds of the people of the Earth might be killed, but enough men capable of thinking, and enough books, would be left to start again, and civilization could be restored.Albert Einstein
How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking.David Joseph Schwartz
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought What the hell good would that do.Ronnie Shakes
The third - Rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second - Rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first - Rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.A. A. Milne
Strategy is a style of thinking, a conscious and deliberate process, an intensive implementation system, the science of insuring future success.Pete Johnson
Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.Albert Szent - Gyorgi
By always thinking unto them. I keep the subject constantly before me and wait till the first dawnings open little by little into the full light.Sir Issac Newton, On how he made discoveries
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.James F. Byrnes
We can have facts without thinking but we cannot have thinking without facts.John Dewey
As the light changed from red to green to yellow and back to red again, I sat there thinking about life. Was it nothing more than a bunch of honking and yelling Sometimes it seemed that way.Jack Handey Deep Thoughts
The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.Albert Einstein, (attributed)
Things are neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so.William Shakespeare, Hamlet
I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.Adlai E. Stevenson Jr., Speech during 1952 Presidential Campaign
Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it involves not only our thinking, but also our feeling.Valdemar W. Setze
High living and high thinking are poles apart.B. J. Gupta
If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth - Only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.Clive Staples Lewis
Thinking evil is making evil.Friedrich Nietzsche
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do?Ronnie Shakes
If you think that you can think about a thing, inextricably attached to something else, without thinking of the thing it is attached to, then you have a legal mind.Henry C. Blinn
On thinking about Hell, I gather My brother Shelley found it was a place Much like the city of London. I Who live in Los Angeles and not in London Find, on thinking about Hell, that it must be Still more like Los Angeles.Bertolt Brecht
Quit thinking that you must halt before the barrier of inner negativity. You need not. You can crash through... whatever we see a negative state, that is where we can destroy it.Vernon Howard
Instead of trying to build newer and bigger weapons of destruction, mankind should be thinking about getting more use out of the weapons we already have.Jack Handey Deep Thoughts
Journalists cover words and delude themselves into thinking they have committed journalism.Hedrick Smith
The trouble was, all people saw on television were a few of my outspoken supporters out front and they came away thinking that was me.George Stanley McGovern
Today, if you are not confused, you are just not thinking clearly.U. Pete
Take time to deliberate but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.Andrew Old Hickory Jackson
We must dare to think about unthinkable things because when things become unthinkable thinking stops and action becomes mindless.William Fullbright
The spirit of the age is filled with the disdain for thinking.Albert Schweitze
He had the entertainment of thinking that if he had for that moment stopped the clock it was to promote the next minute this still livelier motion.Henry James, "The Ambassadors", Book Eighth, Chapter 2
I was going to buy a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking, and then I thought: What the hell good would that do?Ronnie Shakes
The worst thing you can possibly do is worrying and thinking about what you could have done.Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.Donald J. Trump
A man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him.Sren Aaby Kierkegaard
To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can.Sydney Smith