Time Quotes

If a man defrauds you one time, he is a rascal; if he does it twice, you are a fool.
Author Unknown
I believe, with abiding conviction, that this people - Nurtured by their deep faith, tutored by their hard lessons, moved by their high aspirations - Have the will to meet the trials that these times impose.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Every time we remember to say thank you, we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Scott adams, the dilbert future - men want sex. if men ruled the world, they could...
The training of children is a profession, where we must know how to waste time in order to save it.
Jean - Jacques Rousseau
Professor scott elledge on his retirement from cornell - it is time i stepped aside for a less experienced...
Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.
Lewis Grizzard
Time cools, time clarifies; no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.
Mark Twain
If we live good lives, the times are also good. As we are, such are the times.
Saint Augustine
You can fool too many of the people too much of the time.
James Thurber, New Yorker, Apr. 29, 1939 "The Owl who was God".
You have to allow a certain amount of time in which you are doing nothing in order to have things occur to you, to let your mind think.
Mortimer Adle
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence but it comes from within. It is there all the time.
Anna Freud
I have no expectation of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
To love is not a passive thing. To love is active voice. When I love I do something, I function, I give. I do not love in order that I may be loved back again, but for the creative joy of loving. And every time I do so love I am freed, at least a little, by the outgoing of love, from enslavement to that most intolerable of master, myself.
Bernard Iddings Bell
Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.
Lily Tomlin
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Sigmund Freud
The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.
William Gladstone
Three minutes thought would suffice to find this out but thought is irksome and three minutes is a long time.
A. E. Houseman
There is so much time and so little to do; strike that, reverse it.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Lee segall - it is possible to own too much. a man with one...
Times of general calamity and confusion create great minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storms.
Charles Caleb Colton
One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
Andr Gide
Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality the other, a matter of time.
Marabel Morgan
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there id only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.
Martha Graham
The whole life of man is but a point of time; let us enjoy it.
Drinking without being thirsty and making love at any time, Madame, are the only things that distinguish us from other animals.
Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration.
Charles Dudley Warne
Witness at all times. If necessary, use words.
St. Francis of Assissi
Have you ever noticed that there are people who do things which are most indelicate, and yet at the same time - Beautiful?
E. M. Forster, "A Room with a View".
Sometimes the child in one behaves a certain way and the rest of oneself follows behind, slowly shaking its head.
Niels Henrik David Boh
Time - - Our youth - - It never really goes, does it It is all held in our minds.
Helen Hoover Santmye
All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.
Baltasar Gracian
Time as he grows old teaches all things.
Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death.
Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
Be patient enough to live one day at a time, letting yesterday go and leaving tomorrow until it arrives.
We have achieved the most amazing things, a few million people opening up half a continent. But we have not yet found a Canadian soul except in time of war. On lack of national identity.
Lester Bowles Pearson
We lost the American colonies because we lacked the statesmanship to know the right time and the manner of yielding what is impossible to keep.
Elizabeth II
In a minute there is time for decision and revisions that a minute will reverse.
T. S. Eliot
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King J
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, Where have I gone wrong? Then a voice says to me, This is going to take more than one night.
Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown in "Peanuts".