Virtue Quotes
Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the acquisition of wealth. It is an initiation into life of spirit, a training of the human soul in the pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue.Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
Recommend virtue to your children it alone, not money, can make them happy. I speak from experience.Ludwig van Beethoven
Happiness is the highest good, being a realization and perfect practice of virtue, which some can attain, while others have little or none of it...Aristotle
I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.Cato the Elde
Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.Ambrose Bierce
One ought to seek out virtue for its own sake, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any external influence. Moreover, that in that does happiness consist.Diogenes Laertius, Zeno
Perhaps we are wiser, less foolish and more far - Seeing than we were two hundred years ago. But we are still imperfect in all these things, and since the turn of the century it has been remarked that neither wisdom nor virtue have increased as rapidly as the need for both.Joseph Wood Krutch
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.Sir Winston Churchill
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.Abraham Lincoln
When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.Thomas Paine
Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue.John Kenneth Galbraith
Without courage you cannot practice any of the other virtues.Maya Angelou
Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves.Jean - Jacques Rousseau
Virtue and genuine graces in themselves speak what no words can utter.William Shakespeare
Beauty is but the sensible image of the Infinite. Like truth and justice it lives within us; like virtue and the moral law it is a companion of the soul.George Bancroft
Be to her virtues very kind. Be to her faults a little blind.Matthew Prio
A good inclination is but the first rude draught of virtue, but the finishing strokes are from the will, which, if well disposed, will by degrees perfect it, as if all disposed will quickly deface it.South
Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.Buddha
The home is the chief school of human virtues.William Ellery Channing
The love of money is the root of all virtue.George Bernard Shaw
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.Ludwig van Beethoven
No virtue is safe that is not enthusiastic.Sir J. R. Seeley
There are men whom a happy disposition, a strong desire of glory and esteem, inspire with the same love for justice and virtue which men in general have for riches and honors.... But the number of these men is so small that I only mention them in honor of humanity.Claude Adrien Helvetius
A revolution of government is the strongest proof that can be given by a people of their virtue and good sense.John Adams, (Diary, 1786)
Self - Denial is not a virtue it is only the effect of prudence on rascality.George Bernard Shaw
Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue.Izaak Walton, The Compleat Angler, 1653
First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.Greek Prove
The happiness and unhappiness of the rational, social animal depends not on what he feels but on what he does just as his virtue and vice consist not in feeling but in doing.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral authority it is the highest summit of art and life.Henri Frdric Amiel
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by virtue of any sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.Bernard of Chartres, 12th Century
In stirring up tumult and strife, the worst men can do the most, but peace and quiet cannot be established without virtue.Cornelius Tacitus
Self discipline is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another.Joseph Addison
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.Marcus Aelius Aurelius
He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.Confucius, The Confucian Analects
The great virtue of my radicalism lies in the fact that I am perfectly ready, if necessary, to be radical on the conservative side.Theodore Roosevelt
All virtue is summed up in dealing justly.Aristotle
Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.Baruch Spinoza