Virtue Quotes
Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices.Benjamin Franklin
We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by virtue of any sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.Bernard of Chartres, 12th Century
Virtue has its own reward, but no box office.Mae West
One path alone leads to a life of peace The path of virtue.Juvenal
Man cannot be uplifted he must be seduced into virtue.Don Marquis
Virtue is a state of war, and to live in it we have always to combat with ourselves.Jean - Jacques Rousseau
Of all the varieties of virtues, liberalism is the most beloved.- - Aristotle
Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the acquisition of wealth. It is an initiation into life of spirit, a training of the human soul in the pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue.Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral authority; it is the highest summit of art and life.Henri - Fr? d? ric Amiel
Certainly virtue is like precious odors, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed for prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue.Francis Bacon
Force, and fraud, are in war the two cardinal virtues.Thomas Hobbes, quoted from "Oxygen3, Panda Software
First secure an independent income, then practice virtue.Greek Prove
Unless I accept my faults, I will most certainly doubt my virtues.Hugh Prathe
Certainly virtue is like precious odours, most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed: for prosperity doth best discover vice; but adversity doth best discover virtue.Sir Francis Bacon, Of Adversity
Faith is the virtue of the storm, just as happiness is the virtue of sunshine.Ruth Fulton Benedict
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.Cicero
Moderation is a virtue only in those who are thought to have an alternative.Henry Kissinge
Virtue is indeed its own reward.Claudianus
The glory that goes with wealth is fleeting and fragile virtue is a possession glorious and eternal.Sallust
The only reward of virtue is virtue the only way to have a friend is to be one.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happiness is the highest good, being a realization and perfect practice of virtue, which some can attain, while others have little or none of it...Aristotle
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.William Shakespeare, "Measure for Measure", Act 2 scene 1
I have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not virtuous. He who loved virtue would esteem nothing above it.Confucius, The Confucian Analects
In stirring up tumult and strife, the worst men can do the most, but peace and quiet cannot be established without virtue.Cornelius Tacitus
If by saying that all men are born free and equal, you mean that they are all equally born; it is true, but true in no other sense; birth, talent, labor, virtue, and providence, are forever making differences.Eugene Edwards
Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more.Nikola Tesla
The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues.Rene Descartes
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.Aristotle
There are men whom a happy disposition, a strong desire of glory and esteem, inspire with the same love for justice and virtue which men in general have for riches and honors.... But the number of these men is so small that I only mention them in honor of humanity.Claude Adrien Helvetius
Patience, n. A minor form of dispair, disguised as a virtue.Ambrose Bierce
That man is good who does good to others if he suffers on account of the good he does, he is very good if he suffers at the hands of those to whom he has done good, then his goodness is so great that it could be enhanced only by greater sufferings and if he should die at their hands, his virtue can go no further it is heroic, it is perfect.La Bruyere
Patience is the greatest of all virtues.Cato the Elde
Consider your origin; you were not born to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
Recommend to your children virtue that alone can make them happy, not gold.Ludwig van Beethoven
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.Sir Winston Churchill
If the headache would only precede the intoxication, alcoholism would be a virtue.Samuel Butle
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts, therefore guard accordingly and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue, and reasonable nature.Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
We learn our virtues from our friends who love us; our faults from the enemy who hates us. We cannot easily discover our real character from a friend. He is a mirror, on which the warmth of our breath impedes the clearness of the reflection.Ricthe