War Quotes
In war there is no substitute for victory.General Douglas MacArthu
The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men.George Eliot
My job is to bore you and let the hardness of your seat and the warmth of your robe prepare you for what is to come.William H. McNeill
Mere sorrow, which weeps and sits still, is not repentance. Repentance is sorrow converted into action; into a movement toward a new and better life.M. R. Vincent
The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed.Nelson Boswell
Every day we do things, we are things that have to do with peace. If we are aware of our life..., our way of looking at things, we will know how to make peace right in the moment, we are alive.Thich Nhat Hanh
The beauty of a statue is in its outward form; of a man in his conduct.Demophilus
Beware of your habits. The better they are the more surely they will be your undoing.Holbrook Jackson
Beware of the fury of the patient man.John Dryden
I worked night and day for twelve years to prevent the war, but I could not. The North was mad and blind, would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came.Jefferson Davis
The reward for a thing well done is to have done it.Ralph Waldo Emerson
We think very little of time present; we anticipate the future, as being too slow, and with a view to hasten it onward, we recall the past to stay it as too swiftly gone. We are so thoughtless, that we thus wander through the hours which are not here, regardless only of the moment that is actually our own.Blaise Pascal
All successful people men and women are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.Brian Tracy
Knowledge always desires increase; it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but which will afterward propagate it.Johnson
I believe, if we take habitual drunkards as a class, their heads and their hearts will bear an advantageous comparison with those of any other class. There seems ever to have been a proneness in the brilliant and warm - Blooded to fall into this vice.Abraham Lincoln
Life was simple before World War II. After that, we had systems.G. Hoppe
You have to lead people gently toward what they already know is right.Philip Crosby, Reflections on Quality
Either war is obsolete or men are.R. Buckminster Fuller, New Yorker, Jan. 8, 1966
It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defects of others.Francois Fenelon
Civilizations in decline are consistently characterised by a tendency towards standardization and uniformity.Arnold Toynbee
No matter how long we exist, we have our memories. Points in time which time itself cannot erase. Suffering may distort my backward glances, but even to suffering, some memories will yield nothing of ther beauty or their splendor. Rather they remain as hard as gems.Anne Rice, "Blood and Gold".
The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.Henry Mille
Be sure that it is not you that is mortal, but only your body. For that man whom your outward form reveals is not yourself the spirit is the true self, not that physical figure which and be pointed out by your finger.Cicero
Did you exchange a walk - On part in a war, for a leading role in a cage?Pink Floyd, song "Wish You Were Here".
Humor is richly rewarding to the person who employs it. It has some value in gaining and holding attention. But it has no persuasive value at all.John Kenneth Galbraith
A nation that draws too broad a difference between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards, and its fighting done by fools.Thucydides
Success gravitates toward those who are perceived to be successful. Regardless of how you feel within, you must emanate success if you want to attract people to your cause.Jeff Herman
Ready comprehension is often a knee - Jerk response and the most dangerous form of understanding. It blinks an opaque screen over your ablility to learn. The judgemental precedents of law function that way, littering your path with dead ends. Be warned. Understand nothing. All comprehension is temporary.Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, Mentat Fixe
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Beware of too much laughter, for it deadens the mind and produces oblivion.The Talmud
I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.Thomas Edison
Fatigue makes cowards of us all.Vince Lombardi, Lombardi Winning is the only thing (by Jerry Kramer)
War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent.George Orwell, 1984
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.General George Patton
Let him who desires peace prepare for war.Flavius Vegetius Renatus
A slight touch of friendly malice and amusement towards those we love keeps our affections for them from turning flat.Logan Pearsall Smith
Life is an escalator: You can move forward or backward; you can not remain still.Patricia Russell - McCloud