Age Quotes

No man of genuinely superior intelligence has ever been an actor. Even supposing a young man of appreciable mental powers to be lured upon the stage, as philosophers are occasionally lured into bordellos, his mind would be inevitably and almost immediately destroyed by the gaudy nonsense issuing from his mouth every night.
H. L. Mencken
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The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.
Aldous Huxley
One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.
Josef Stalin
Kurt vonnegut - any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for...
The men who come on the stage at one period are all found to be related to each other. Certain ideas are in the air.
Julie Arabi
However mean your life is, meet it and live it: do not shun it and call it hard names. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Things do not change, we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts. God will see that you do want society.
Henry David Thoreau
No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of Truth.
Francis Bacon
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I know some good marriages - - Marriages where both people are just trying to get through their days by helping each other, being good to each other.
Erica Jong
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
Johann von Goethe
If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.
William Shakespeare, "Twelfth Night", Act 3 scene 4
To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.
Bernard M. Baruch, 1940
The future does not belong to those who are content with today, apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike, timid and fearful in the face of bold projects and new ideas. Rather, it will belong to those who can blend passion, reason and courage in a personal commitment to the ideals of American society.
Robert Francis Kennedy
It is better to discuss things, to argue and engage in polemics than make perfidious plans of mutual destruction.
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev
The great advantage of being in a rut is that when one is in a rut, one knows exactly where one is.
Arnold Bennett
Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream - A scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows - Is essentially poetry.
Jesse Louis Jackson
In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
Rita Rudne
In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him.
"Aqualung" - Jethro Tull
Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is, but let us consider the two possibilities. If you gain, you gain all if you lose you lose nothing. Hesitate not, then, to wager that He is.
Blaise Pascal
Human beings, for all their pretensions, have a remarkable propensity for lending themselves to classification somewhere within neatly labelled categories. Even the outrageous exceptions may be classified as outrageous exceptions.
W. J. Reichmann
Slang is a language that rolls up its sleeves, spits on its hands and goes to work.
Carl Sandburg, New York Times Feb. 13, 1959
Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor.
Arnold Toynbee
Among the virtues and vices that make up the British character, we have one vice, at least, that Americans ought to view with sympathy. For they appear to be the only people who share it with us. I mean our worship of the antique. I do not refer to beauty or even historical association. I refer to age, to a quantity of years.
William Golding
Being able to support oneself allows one to choose a marriage out of love and not just economic dependence. It also allows one to risk that marriage.
Gloria Steinem
Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement.
Christopher Fry
I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work 15 and 16 hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example.
Mario M Cuomo
Without justice courage is weak.
Benjamin Franklin
We can forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Do not commit your poems to pages alone, sing them I pray you.
If you want to read about love and marriage, you have to buy two separate books.
Alan King
Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can read.
Mark Twain
Marriage always demands the finest arts of insincerity possible between two human beings.
Vicki Baum
True love is not rare at the age of a teen, but recognizing it as true love is.
Brad Bell
If there is any period one would desire to be born in, is it not the age of Revolution when the old and the new stand side by side... when the glories of the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the new era This time... is a very good one...
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forego an advantage.
Benjamin Disraeli
In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than to advance.
Joseph Stalin
Middle age is the time of life that a man first notices in his wife.
Richard Willard Armou
The true measure of a man is the degree to which he has managed to subjugate his ego.
Albert Einstein
We live by encouragement and die without it - - Slowly, sadly, angrily.
Celeste Holm