Age Quotes
War connot be avoided; it can only be postponed to the others advantage.Niccolo Machiavelli
Age withers only the outside.Author Unknown
The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism.Norman Brenne
Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.Victor Hugo
There is no credulity so eager and blind as the credulity of covetness, which, in its universal extent, measures the moral misery and the intellectual destitution of mankind.Joseph Conrad, Nostromo
Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.Edward De Bono
The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us.Paul Valery
The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand.Lewis Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Dylan Thomas
Courage is an everyday thing. When we look reality squarely in the eye and refuse to back away from our awareness, we are living courage.Unknown
It is not righteousness to outrage A brave man dead, not even though you hate him.Sophocles
Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.Ayn Rand
When in doubt, do the courageous thing.Jan Smuts
For it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.Alexander Hamilton
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.Nelson Mandela
We are tied down to a language that makes up in obscurity what it lacks in style.Tom Stoppard, Rosencranz And Guildenstern Are Dead
The average person living to age 70 has 613, 000 hours of life. This is too long a period not to have fun.Author Unknown
Many would be cowards if they had courage enough.Thomas Fulle
I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming that comes when you finish the life of the emotions and of personal relations and suddenly find - At the age of fifty, say - That a whole new life has opened before you, filled with things you can think about, study, or read about... It is as if a fresh sap of ideas and thoughts was rising in you.Agatha Christie
Friends need not agree in everything or go always together, or have no comparable other friendships of the same intimacy. On the contrary, in friendship union is more about ideal things and in that sense it is more ideal and less subject to trouble than marriage is.George Santayana
A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight.Robertson Davies
The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.Corra Harris
Life is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage, And then is heard no more; It is a tall Tale, Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing.William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act V, Scene V (MacBeth)
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it.Henry Ford
Being over seventy is like being engaged in a war. All our friends are going or gone and we survive amongst the dead and the dying as on a battlefield.Muriel Spark
Education is the best provision for old age.Aristotle
Some people talk because they think sound is more manageable than silence.Margaret Halsey
America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week.Evan Esa
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.Margaret Mead
We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police.Jeff Marde
Be positive in addressing the envelope to your future, For enclosed are your efforts from the past. Be certain of the postage and double check what class.Unknown
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.Reinhold Niebuh
I have often thought morality may perhaps consist solely in the courage of making a choice.Leon Blum
Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it.Christopher Morley
There are days when solitude, for someone my age, is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall.Colette
Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing in life is to know when to forgo an advantage.Benjamin Disraeli
In solitude especialy do we begin to appreciate the advantage of living with someone who can think.Henry David Thoreau