Lie Quotes

John f. kennedy, in a speech on may 25, 1961 - i believe this nation should commit itself, to...
He who is caught in a lie is not believed when he tells the truth.
Spanish Prove
Albert einstein - what is the meaning of human life, or of organic...
We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free.
Toward no crime have men shown themselves so cold - Bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of belief.
James R. Lowell
It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination, but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection, which makes us believe, and it is not true, that, as children, we were imaginative?
Cesare Pavese
Richard Nixon lied to gain love, to shore up his grandiose fantasies, to bolster his ever - wavering sense of identity. He lied in attack, hoping to win and always he lied, and this most aggressively, to deny that he lied.
Fawn M. Brodie
We are born believing. A man bears beliefs, as a tree bears apples.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lie: A very poor substitute for the truth, but the only one discovered to date.
Most of our students are here to get the credentials they believe are central to admission to the Dream. Everyone does the rhetoric bit - Fascist pig this and that - But push them and they ask you to write recommendations for jobs with banks and insurance companies.
John Gargin
Convictions are the more dangerous enemy of truth than lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche
I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity an obligation; every possession a duty.
John D. Rockefeller Jr.
We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love.
Whitney Moore, Jr.
I love you the more that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.
John Keats
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination.
Tommy Lasorda
A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his client to plant vines.
Frank Lloyd Wright
You are not made happy by the true things you believe from your faith, but by the goodness which comes from your faith.
Emanuel Swedenborg, From the book "Arcana Coelestia" #4984
Men have a much better time of it than women; for one thing, they marry later; for another thing they die earlier.
H. L. Mencken
Nurture your mind with great thoughts to believe in the heroic makes heroes.
Benjamin Disraeli
There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it.
William James
I have come to believe that giving and receiving are really the same. Giving and receiving - Not giving and taking.
Joyce Grenfell
Tony Montana I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.
If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre pg. 61
I begin to think, that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life.... Man was made for action and for bustle too, I believe.
Abigail Adams, letter to her sister, Mary Smith Cranch, 1784
Everyone, whether cardinal or scientist, who believes that his own truth is complete and final must become a dogmatist... The more sincere his faith, the more he is bound to persecute, to save others from falling into error.
The world makes up for all its follies and injustices by being damnably sentimental.
Thomas H. Huxley
Each generation writes off earlier errors as the result of bad thinking, of less able minds - - And then confidently embarks on making fresh errors of its own.
Michael Crichton, Prey
Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company 600, 000. No, I replied, I just spent 600, 000 training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience.
Thomas John Watson, Sr.
I decided long ago never to walk in anyone? s shadow. If I fail, if I succeed, at least I? ll live as I believe.
Whitney Houston, The Greatest Love Of All
Man is a being born to believe. And if no church comes forward with its title - Deeds of truth to guide him, he will find altars and idols in his own heart and his own imagination.
Benjamin Disraeli
America believes in education: the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week.
Evan Esa
Remember that what you believe will depend very much on what you are.
Noah Porte
A fellow who says he has never told a lie has just told one.
Author Unknown
A closed mouth catches no flies.
Miguel de Cervantes
Nature is earlier than man, but man is earlier than natural science.
Von Weizsacke
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
I still believe in liberalism today as much as I ever did, but, oh, there was a happy time when I believed in liberals...
G. K. Chesterton
Now the church is not wood and stone, but the company of people who believe in Christ.
Martin Luthe
Dum loquimur invida aetas fugerit. While we talk, hostile time flies away.
If a man withdraws his mind from the love of beauty, and applies it as sincerely to the love of the virtuous if, in serving his parents, he can exert his utmost strength if, in serving his prince, he can devote his life if in his intercourse with his friends, his words are sincere - Although men say that he has not learned, I will certainly say that he has.